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It’s finally enough for us at ExamTopics Pro with the greedy paywalls in the test business. Our six IT workers have worked in the field for years, and before starting ExamTopics Pro, we all worked in testing fields where we saw how terrible the paywall exam prep system was. The six of us lost hope when we saw how the prep system was being abused. So, we chose to make a change. We needed to change what we did. To get better. ExamTopics Pro was made so that it could give good materials without stealing from people who are just trying to make a living.
And that’s how ExamTopics Pro came to be. A place where people can go instead of test companies that only want to make money. The great IT community has worked together to make this site, which you can join without having to pay ridiculous amounts of money for copied content.
Why do we do this?
It taught me a lot to work in the paywall test prep business. Not engineers, but low-level employees copied answers from community message boards and other test websites and put them in great exam prep books. Most of the content we see on other websites was made by the amazing IT community around the world and then hidden behind a fee to make some quick cash. Content farm companies just copy and paste this information into fake study guides and charge a lot of money for them. We often saw fees as high as $120 for items made by the community that should have been free.
The world of licensing is a great way to make the world a better place. If you can’t afford college, you can still get great jobs by studying on your own. For people who want to move up in their careers, getting certified can lead to some of the best jobs in the world. You have to be very disciplined, patient, and work hard at it. Giving more money from people in the community who love technology should be the last thing that is done. We want to help people who want to work hard, get ahead in life, and love technology do well.


Here is a collection of our favourite emails we received from ExamTopics pro users.
Since we are doing this for free, the thank-you and support letters are our fuel for continuing with ExamTopics pro.
I did it!
Review Topics, thanks for the great AZ-900 practice test! When I found your website, I was feeling pretty down about studying for my test. This wasn't the first time I tried to pass, and I felt like I had been drowning. For some, the AZ-900 might not cost much, but for me, it was pricey, and taking it again hurt! Before I found ET, I almost gave up. It's truly amazing that you provide free materials. They really helped me when I didn't have the money to buy books but needed extra help with some ideas. Thanks a million times over! Soon I'll have a new job, and I couldn't have done it without you!Sarah Liston
I did it!
To the Exam Topics pro Staff, It was perfect for both of the tests I just took, and I don't know who makes it. Thanks!
I just became a CCCNA and am starting out in the IT world. Both of the tests were a bit hard for me. I took your free online tests just because I thought they might help. It took me about five questions to decide to buy. They were good models from real life that helped me get ready for the ICND1.Alan Eve
I did it!
I still needed to watch some YouTube movies to help me, but your practice tests were the main thing I used to study. I passed the second test (ICDN2) a few weeks ago and am now a CCNA! It's great. It only took a few months for me to be able to get a better job.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you! You guys were very important to that experience.Steve Austin
I did it!
I'm in community college trying to learn more about the IT world from people who work there. I thought that getting qualified as a Linux PDC might help. It's easy, quick, and you need to pass the 010-150. I wasn't able to buy tools when I was in college, but ExamTopics pro helped me study. I now have my certificate and LOVE IT! Without Exam Topics, it wouldn't have been this easy!Emma Will
I did it!
The 70-764 is now over! I still have a few tests to take, but your tools really helped me. Thanks a lot! Thank you for the free help. I'm looking forward to getting my MCSA. When I saw that you didn't charge anything, I was shocked. A lot of practice tests require a membership fee just to view them. Thanks for the exam topics!James Aly
I did it!
I have a lot of knowledge and was thinking about getting CISM Certification. I just didn't know what that would look like. It's not easy to find materials that are exactly like the CISM test. The test costs a lot and isn't given very often. Because I already put so much on the line to take my CISM test, I was glad to see that your material was free. That book helped me know what to expect, and now I'm getting ready for this year's test. Do a good job, guys!Lara William
I did it!
I'd like to thank you for giving us review tools for certifications. I'm studying for the Oracle 1z0-882 test right now. I did some reading and thought about how to answer some of the questions, and I gave some feedback. I want to thank you again for giving me the tools. It was hard for me to figure out how to start going over my notes, but your site was very helpful.
Thanks, and have a great day!Stella Winston
So since 2014 we have been creating the best material around. Consistently updated exams that our team of experts and wonderful community combs through in order to keep accurate, improve upon, and expand. Our content continues to expand, and our tools keep getting better and better. You’ll find new exams, a thriving community, and the opportunity to be part of something better at ExamTopics pro. Ironically, we’ve even found ourselves combatting exam websites copying our in-house material now and putting it behind a paywall!