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Salesforce Platform-App-Builder Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder
Exam Code: Platform App Builder
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Platform APP Builder Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Platform App Builder practice questions in our database: 291 (updated: Jan. 11, 2025)
Expected Platform App Builder Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Salesforce Fundamentals: The section of the exam covers the identification of declarative customization and the use cases related to customization. The section also covers how to identify common scenarios for extending an org using AppExchange and how to apply features to limit record and field access.
  • Module 2: Data Modeling and Management: In this section of the exam, the candidates are tested for determining the appropriate data model and their understanding of the capabilities of the different types of relationships.
  • Module 3: Business Logic and Process Automation: In a given scenario, this section of the exam covers the utilization of formula fields to satisfy various business needs. It also covers identifying the capabilities and effects of roll-up summary fields.
  • Module 4: User Interface: This section of the exam covers explaining the user interface customizations and showcases the abilities and use cases for custom buttons, links, and actions.
  • Module 5: App Deployment: In this section, candidates are tested for their understanding of various business requirements, recommend a solution for vital milestones, etc.


Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder
Exam Code: Platform App Builder
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Platform APP Builder Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Platform App Builder practice questions in our database: 291 (updated: Jan. 11, 2025)
Expected Platform App Builder Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Salesforce Fundamentals: The section of the exam covers the identification of declarative customization and the use cases related to customization. The section also covers how to identify common scenarios for extending an org using AppExchange and how to apply features to limit record and field access.
  • Module 2: Data Modeling and Management: In this section of the exam, the candidates are tested for determining the appropriate data model and their understanding of the capabilities of the different types of relationships.
  • Module 3: Business Logic and Process Automation: In a given scenario, this section of the exam covers the utilization of formula fields to satisfy various business needs. It also covers identifying the capabilities and effects of roll-up summary fields.
  • Module 4: User Interface: This section of the exam covers explaining the user interface customizations and showcases the abilities and use cases for custom buttons, links, and actions.
  • Module 5: App Deployment: In this section, candidates are tested for their understanding of various business requirements, recommend a solution for vital milestones, etc.


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Q1. An app builder wants to create a custom object and 10 fields. What should they use to create the object, fields, and relationships quickly from one place?

A.Schema Builder

B. Developer Console

C. Manage Field Permissions

D. Lightning Object Creator

Correct Answer: A

Q2. An app builder just added a lookup field to Account from the existing custom object, Box. Which report type is automatically created?

A.Boxes with or without Accounts

B. Accounts with or without Boxes

C. Boxes with Accounts

D. Accounts with Boxes

Correct Answer: D

Q3. Universal Containers has a custom object that holds over 100 fields. The app builder wants to break up the fields into separate tabs on the lightning page. Which Lightning component is most appropriate to fulfill this requirement?

A.Highlights panel

B. Record detail

C. Field section

D. Accordian

Correct Answer: D

Q4. The VP of sales at AW Computing would like a Roll-Up Summary field on the Account object to aggregate the amount of opportunities related to an Account. The app builder is unable to implement this change. Why is the app builder unable to fulfill the request?

A.Currency fields are unable to be referenced in Roll-Up Summary fields.

B. The organization has Advanced Currency Management enabled

C. Roll-Up Summary fields are unavailable on the Account object.

D. The default currency is not an active currency in the organization,

Correct Answer: B

Q5. Universal Containers (UC) has several picklist fields on the Account object whose values are routinely modified to meet changing business requirements. Due to these revolving changes, UC has a high number of inactive picklist values that are impacting system performance and user experience. What can the app builder do to alleviate this issue?

A.Establish upper bound on existing picklists in Picklist Settings.

B. Set up Global Values in Picklist Value Sets.

C. Remove upper bound on inactive picklist values in Picklist Settings.

D. Convert the picklist fields to a different field type that will still meet the business requirements.

Correct Answer: B

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