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Salesforce Process-Automation Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Process Automation Accredited Professional Exam
Exam Code: Process Automation
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Accredited Professional Exams Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of Process Automation practice questions in our database: 78 (updated: Jan. 04, 2025)

Expected Process Automation Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Automation Basics: In this topic, Salesforce consultants explore the advantages of automation, including efficiency and consistency, and determine the appropriate tools for various business scenarios. This section also introduces the foundational building blocks and functionalities of key automation types, such as Flows, Process Builder, and Workflow Rules, ensuring a solid understanding of their scope and usage.
  • Module 2: Tools and Best Practices: This topic delves into the technical and functional aspects of automation tools, such as the Migrate to Flow tool, emphasizing their capabilities, limitations, and critical components. Salesforce consultants also learn the process of creating Flows, Orchestrations, and Approvals and gain insights into automation best practices, such as modular design and optimization strategies.
  • Module 3: Testing, Distribution, and Monitoring: Salesforce consultants focus on identifying and building effective test cases to ensure automation reliability and consistency in this topic. It covers declarative distribution options, such as packaging and change sets, as well as monitoring and management capabilities like Scheduled Flow Runs and error monitoring.
  • Module 4: Integration: This topic provides Salesforce consultants with an understanding of standard integration features of Flows, such as external service calls and data integration. It also helps identify scenarios where low-code customization is the optimal choice. The emphasis on integration prepares consultants to extend automation capabilities to connect disparate systems and enhance business processes effectively.


Exam Name: Salesforce Process Automation Accredited Professional Exam
Exam Code: Process Automation
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Accredited Professional Exams Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of Process Automation practice questions in our database: 78 (updated: Jan. 04, 2025)

Expected Process Automation Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Automation Basics: In this topic, Salesforce consultants explore the advantages of automation, including efficiency and consistency, and determine the appropriate tools for various business scenarios. This section also introduces the foundational building blocks and functionalities of key automation types, such as Flows, Process Builder, and Workflow Rules, ensuring a solid understanding of their scope and usage.
  • Module 2: Tools and Best Practices: This topic delves into the technical and functional aspects of automation tools, such as the Migrate to Flow tool, emphasizing their capabilities, limitations, and critical components. Salesforce consultants also learn the process of creating Flows, Orchestrations, and Approvals and gain insights into automation best practices, such as modular design and optimization strategies.
  • Module 3: Testing, Distribution, and Monitoring: Salesforce consultants focus on identifying and building effective test cases to ensure automation reliability and consistency in this topic. It covers declarative distribution options, such as packaging and change sets, as well as monitoring and management capabilities like Scheduled Flow Runs and error monitoring.
  • Module 4: Integration: This topic provides Salesforce consultants with an understanding of standard integration features of Flows, such as external service calls and data integration. It also helps identify scenarios where low-code customization is the optimal choice. The emphasis on integration prepares consultants to extend automation capabilities to connect disparate systems and enhance business processes effectively.


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Q1. How is a flow interview described?

A.It is a reflective instance of a flow.

B. It is a special connector between two elements.

C. It is a running instance of a flow.

D. It is a debug instruction.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. What's the difference between Salesforce Flow and Flow Builder?

A.Salesforce Flow is a part of Flow Builder.

B. Flow Builder is a part of Salesforce Flow.

C. Salesforce Flow is the fastest version of Flow Builder.

D. Flow Builder isn't available in Lightning Experience, but Salesforce Flow is.

Correct Answer: B

Q3. An administrator wants to see which Flows currently have paused interviews or scheduled action. Where should the administrator go to ....?

A.In Setup, type ''Queue' in the quick search menu and select ''Queue''

B. In Setup, go to Flows and select the Recently Viewed List View.

C. In Setup, go to process Automation and select Paused Flow interviews.

D. In Setup, go to Process Automation and select Automation Home.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Administrator has seen an increased number of tickets logged by end reporting Flow errors. To analyze flows in the org, where should the should Administrator to identify which Flows are causing are causing the most errors?

A.In Setup, go to Process Automation and select Automation Home.

B. In Setup, go to Flows and select the 'Recently Viewed' List View.

C. In Setup, type 'Queue' in the quick search menu and select 'Queues'.

D. In Setup, go to Process Automation and select Paused Flow Interviews.

Correct Answer: A

Q5. What should you avoid inside a loop?

A.Assigning new values to variables.

B. Displaying data to the user.

C. Executing actions, such as creating or updating records.

D. Nesting another loop.

Correct Answer: C

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