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Salesforce PDII Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Platform Developer II
Exam Code: Platform Developer II
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Platform Developer II Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of Platform Developer II practice questions in our database: 167 (updated: Jan. 17, 2025)
Expected Platform Developer II Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Advanced Developer Fundamentals: This topic assesses your mastery of foundational Salesforce developer concepts, including localization, sharing mechanisms, and advanced Apex coding practices. Through scenario-based questions, Salesforce developers will justify solutions, analyze Apex features, and evaluate integration techniques.
  • Module 2: Process Automation, Logic, and Integration: Your understanding of both declarative and programmatic interactions will be assessed through scenario-based challenges. You must showcase best practices in Apex triggers, error handling, and transactional integrity. Additionally, you will apply advanced SOQL, asynchronous Apex techniques, and dynamic Apex features to solve complex problems. Finally, your ability to implement publish/subscribe logic and programmatic integration for inbound and outbound communication will be evaluated.
  • Module 3: User Interface: This topic evaluates the ability of Salesforce developers to design and optimize Salesforce UI components using Lightning Web Components, Aura, and Visualforce. Salesforce developers will identify best practices, responsive design techniques, and methods to ensure seamless communication between components. Excelling here demonstrates your expertise in building dynamic, user-friendly Salesforce interfaces.
  • Module 4: Testing, Debugging, and Deployment: This topic challenges developers to implement advanced testing techniques and debugging strategies for Apex, Lightning components, and Visualforce. You’ll address real-world scenarios requiring error isolation and optimized deployment processes. Mastery here highlights your readiness to deliver reliable and maintainable Salesforce solutions in professional environments.
  • Module 5: Performance: This topic measures your skills in optimizing Salesforce application performance. You will identify and resolve inefficiencies, design scalable solutions, and enhance system responsiveness. Success here underscores your ability to tackle complex performance challenges in large-scale Salesforce implementations.


Exam Name: Platform Developer II
Exam Code: Platform Developer II
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Platform Developer II Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of Platform Developer II practice questions in our database: 167 (updated: Jan. 17, 2025)
Expected Platform Developer II Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Advanced Developer Fundamentals: This topic assesses your mastery of foundational Salesforce developer concepts, including localization, sharing mechanisms, and advanced Apex coding practices. Through scenario-based questions, Salesforce developers will justify solutions, analyze Apex features, and evaluate integration techniques.
  • Module 2: Process Automation, Logic, and Integration: Your understanding of both declarative and programmatic interactions will be assessed through scenario-based challenges. You must showcase best practices in Apex triggers, error handling, and transactional integrity. Additionally, you will apply advanced SOQL, asynchronous Apex techniques, and dynamic Apex features to solve complex problems. Finally, your ability to implement publish/subscribe logic and programmatic integration for inbound and outbound communication will be evaluated.
  • Module 3: User Interface: This topic evaluates the ability of Salesforce developers to design and optimize Salesforce UI components using Lightning Web Components, Aura, and Visualforce. Salesforce developers will identify best practices, responsive design techniques, and methods to ensure seamless communication between components. Excelling here demonstrates your expertise in building dynamic, user-friendly Salesforce interfaces.
  • Module 4: Testing, Debugging, and Deployment: This topic challenges developers to implement advanced testing techniques and debugging strategies for Apex, Lightning components, and Visualforce. You’ll address real-world scenarios requiring error isolation and optimized deployment processes. Mastery here highlights your readiness to deliver reliable and maintainable Salesforce solutions in professional environments.
  • Module 5: Performance: This topic measures your skills in optimizing Salesforce application performance. You will identify and resolve inefficiencies, design scalable solutions, and enhance system responsiveness. Success here underscores your ability to tackle complex performance challenges in large-scale Salesforce implementations.


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Q1. A Lightning web component exists in the system and displays information about the record in context as a medal. Salesforce administrators need to use this component within the Lightning App Builder, Which two settings should the developer configure within the xml resource file?

A.ASpecify the target to be lightning_RecordPage

B. Set the IsExposed=d attribute to true.

C. Specify the target to be lightning_AppPage

D. Set the IsVisible attribute to true

Correct Answer: A, B

Q2. Universal Containers ne=ds to integrate with several external systems. The process Is Initiated when a record Is created in Salesforce, The remote systems do not require Salesforce to wait for a response before continuing. What is the recommended best solution to accomplish this?

A.PushTopic event

B. Qutbound message

C. Trigger with HTTP callout

D. Platform event

Correct Answer: B

Q3. A page throws an ‘Attempt to dereference a null object’ error for a Contact. What change in the controller will fix the error?

A.Declare a static final Contact at the top of the controller.

B. Use a condition in the getter to return a new Contact if it is null.

C. Change the setter’s signature to return a Contact.

D. Change the getter's signature to be static Contact.

Answer: B

Q4. A company has an Apex process that makes multiple extensive database operations and web service callouts. The database processes and web services can take a long time to run and must be run sequentially. How should the developer write this Apex code without running into governor limits and system limitations?

A.Use Queueable Apex to chain the jobs to run sequentially.

B. Use Apex Scheduler to schedule each process.

C. Use multiple 3zutuze methods for each process and callout.

D. Use Limits class to stop entire process once governor limits are reached.

Answer: A

Q5. A developer wrote a test class that successfully asserts a trigger on Account, It fires and updates data correctly In a sandbox environment. A Salesforce admin with a custom profile attempts to deploy this trigger via a change set into the production environment, but the test class falls with an Insufficient privileges error. What should a developer do to fix the problem?

A.Configure the production environment to enable"Run All Tests as Admin User.”

B. Add System.runAs() to the test class to execute the trigger as a user with the correctobjectpermissions.

C. Add seeallData=true to the test class to work within the sharing model for the productionenvironment.

D. Verify that Test. startTest() Is not Inside a For loop in the test class,

Answer: B

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