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HPE2-N69 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Using HPE AI and Machine Learning
Exam Code: HPE2-N69
Related Certification(s):

  • HPE Product Certified Certifications
  • HP AI and Machine Learning [2022] Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 40 Minutes
Number of HPE2-N69 practice questions in our database: 40 (updated: 30-07-2024)
Expected HPE2-N69 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Explain how HPE Machine Learning Development Environment helps customers surmount their challenges/ Run a proof of concept (PoC)
  • Module 2: Explain how the Machine Learning Development Environment uses resources and schedules workloads/ Understand the challenges customers face in training DL models
  • Module 3: Demonstrate running a variety of experiment types on the HPE Machine Learning Development Environment/ Describe how HPE Machine Learning Development Environment fits in the market
  • Module 4: Describe the HPE Machine Learning Development Environment software architecture and deployment options/ Have a conversation with customers about machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL)
  • Module 5: Size HPE Machine Learning Development Environment and System solutions/ Understand machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) fundamentals
  • Module 6: Qualify customers for HPE Machine Learning Development Environment and System/ Articulate the business case for HPE Machine Learning Development solutions
  • Module 7: Demonstrate and explain how to use HPE Machine Learning Development Environment/ Describe the architecture for HPE Machine Learning Development solutions


Exam Name: Using HPE AI and Machine Learning
Exam Code: HPE2-N69
Related Certification(s):

  • HPE Product Certified Certifications
  • HP AI and Machine Learning [2022] Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 40 Minutes
Number of HPE2-N69 practice questions in our database: 40 (updated: 30-07-2024)
Expected HPE2-N69 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Explain how HPE Machine Learning Development Environment helps customers surmount their challenges/ Run a proof of concept (PoC)
  • Module 2: Explain how the Machine Learning Development Environment uses resources and schedules workloads/ Understand the challenges customers face in training DL models
  • Module 3: Demonstrate running a variety of experiment types on the HPE Machine Learning Development Environment/ Describe how HPE Machine Learning Development Environment fits in the market
  • Module 4: Describe the HPE Machine Learning Development Environment software architecture and deployment options/ Have a conversation with customers about machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL)
  • Module 5: Size HPE Machine Learning Development Environment and System solutions/ Understand machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) fundamentals
  • Module 6: Qualify customers for HPE Machine Learning Development Environment and System/ Articulate the business case for HPE Machine Learning Development solutions
  • Module 7: Demonstrate and explain how to use HPE Machine Learning Development Environment/ Describe the architecture for HPE Machine Learning Development solutions


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Q1. You want to set up a simple demo Ouster tor HPE Machine learning Development Environment for the open source Determined AI) on a local machine. You plan to use "del deploy" to set up the cluster. What software must be installed on the machine before you run that command?


B. PyTorch

C. Terralorm

D. Docker

Correct Answer: D

Q2. A company has recently expanded its ml engineering resources from 5 CPUs 1012 GPUs. What challenge is likely to continue to stand in the way of accelerating deep learning (DU training?

A.A lack of understanding of the DL model architecture by the NL engineering team

B. The complexity of adjusting model code to distribute the training process across multiple GPUs

C. A lack of adequate power and cooling for the GPU-enabled servers

D. The requirement that the ML team must wait for the IT team to initiate each new training process

Correct Answer: B

Q3. You want to set up a simple demo Ouster tor HPE Machine learning Development Environment for the open source Determined AI) on a local machine. You plan to use "del deploy" to set up the cluster. What software must be installed on the machine before you run that command?


B. PyTorch

C. Terralorm

D. Docker

Correct Answer: D

Q4. A customer mentions that the ML team wants to avoid overfitting models. What does this mean?

A.The team wants to avoid wasting resources on training models with poorly selected hyperparameters.

B. The team wants to spend less time on creating the code tor models and more time training models.

C. The team wants to avoid training models to the point where they perform less well on new data.

D. The team wants to spend less time figuring out which CPUs are available for training models.

Correct Answer: C

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