- Module1: Identify the key features available in Adobe Commerce/ Manipulate pricing by using Magento Open Source features
- Module 2: Identify best practices and legal requirements of accessibility compliance/ Distinguish the correct scope and when to use each
- Module 3: Identify the key features of an eCommerce website/ Explain the different types of content elements and when to use
- Module 4: Demonstrate knowledge of Catalog Management/ Describe the day-to-day tasks involved in Store maintenance
- Module 5: Identify the features of Magento Open Source/ Understand basics of compliance for privacy laws and payment security
- Module6: Identify the basic uses of common eCommerce tools/ Digital Marketing and eCommerce Fundamentals
- Module 7: Describe the standard customer journey/ Identify common security aspects of an Adobe Commerce project
- Module
8: Identify the basic uses of Digital Marketing tools/ Identify the basic eCommerce concepts
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