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Adobe AD0-E555 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Marketo Engage Professional
Exam Code: AD0-E555
Related Certification(s): Adobe Marketo Engage Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Number of AD0-E555 practice questions in our database: 55 (updated: Jan. 09, 2025)
Expected AD0-E555 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Building and Managing Programs: In this topic of the Adobe Marketo Engage Professional exam, you will master program types crucial for effective Adobe campaign management. It assesses your skills in using event, default, engagement, and email programs, including cloning capabilities and custom tags. You will also learn about communication limits, lead scoring, and Period Costs, essential for optimizing marketing efforts and understanding customer preferences.
  • Module 2: Building Assets: This topic of the AD0-E555 exam evaluates your proficiency in creating and modifying essential Adobe marketing assets like forms, emails, landing pages, and snippets. You will demonstrate your ability to distinguish between draft and approved assets, and understand local versus global assets.
  • Module 3: Defining and Targeting Audiences: Here, you will prove your ability to build and manage Smart Lists, Smart Campaigns, and segmentation strategies. This section of the Adobe Marketo Engage Professional exam tests your skills in setting privacy settings, navigating databases, and understanding campaign triggers and filters.
  • Module 4: Analyzing and Building Reports: In this topic of the Adobe AD0-E555 exam, you will demonstrate your capability to analyze various Adobe Marketo Engage reports and dashboards, including performance metrics for emails, landing pages, and programs. This knowledge is crucial for Adobe professionals that require data-driven decision-making and reporting to measure and enhance marketing performance.


Exam Name: Adobe Marketo Engage Professional
Exam Code: AD0-E555
Related Certification(s): Adobe Marketo Engage Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Number of AD0-E555 practice questions in our database: 55 (updated: Jan. 09, 2025)
Expected AD0-E555 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Building and Managing Programs: In this topic of the Adobe Marketo Engage Professional exam, you will master program types crucial for effective Adobe campaign management. It assesses your skills in using event, default, engagement, and email programs, including cloning capabilities and custom tags. You will also learn about communication limits, lead scoring, and Period Costs, essential for optimizing marketing efforts and understanding customer preferences.
  • Module 2: Building Assets: This topic of the AD0-E555 exam evaluates your proficiency in creating and modifying essential Adobe marketing assets like forms, emails, landing pages, and snippets. You will demonstrate your ability to distinguish between draft and approved assets, and understand local versus global assets.
  • Module 3: Defining and Targeting Audiences: Here, you will prove your ability to build and manage Smart Lists, Smart Campaigns, and segmentation strategies. This section of the Adobe Marketo Engage Professional exam tests your skills in setting privacy settings, navigating databases, and understanding campaign triggers and filters.
  • Module 4: Analyzing and Building Reports: In this topic of the Adobe AD0-E555 exam, you will demonstrate your capability to analyze various Adobe Marketo Engage reports and dashboards, including performance metrics for emails, landing pages, and programs. This knowledge is crucial for Adobe professionals that require data-driven decision-making and reporting to measure and enhance marketing performance.


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Q1. What is the relationship between triggers and filters in a Smart Campaign?

A.All triggers OR the filter criteria must be met for the person to qualify for the Smart Campaign.

B. Any triggers AND the filter criteria must be met for the person to qualify for the Smart Campaign

C. All triggers AND the filter criteria must be met for the person to qualify for the Smart Campaign.

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Which is considered a best practice when building a Smart List?

A.Including the @ symbol when using the Email Address filter

B. Using both the 'contains' and is' operator in the same filter

C. Using multiple nested Smart Lists

Correct Answer: A

Q3. An Adobe Marketo Engage professional wants to score Vice Presidents as +10 and Executives as +20. In their company's person scoring model, which type of scoring would they use?


B. Demographic

C. Behavioral

Correct Answer: B

Q4. A marketer needs to know the names and email addresses of the people who submitted their information in the global demo request form on an Adobe Marketo Engage landing page. How would a marketer find this information?

A.Create a Landing Page Performance report

B. Create a Web Activity report with the Filled Out Form filter

C. Create a Smart List using the Filled Out Form filter with the Web Page constraint

Correct Answer: C

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