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HPE6-A82 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Aruba Certified ClearPass Associate Exam
Exam Code: HPE6-A82
Related Certification(s):

  • HP Aruba Certifications
  • HP Aruba Certified ClearPass Associate ACCA v6.5 Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of HPE6-A82 practice questions in our database:
Expected HPE6-A82 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Overview and Active Directory/ Guest and Onboard
  • Module 2: Device profiling and posture checks/ Endpoint Analysis and Posture
  • Module 3: ClearPass Policy Manager and ClearPass Guest
  • Module 4: Configure ClearPass as an authentication server for both corporate users and guests


Exam Name: Aruba Certified ClearPass Associate Exam
Exam Code: HPE6-A82
Related Certification(s):

  • HP Aruba Certifications
  • HP Aruba Certified ClearPass Associate ACCA v6.5 Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of HPE6-A82 practice questions in our database:
Expected HPE6-A82 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Overview and Active Directory/ Guest and Onboard
  • Module 2: Device profiling and posture checks/ Endpoint Analysis and Posture
  • Module 3: ClearPass Policy Manager and ClearPass Guest
  • Module 4: Configure ClearPass as an authentication server for both corporate users and guests


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Q1. What is the significance of using the [Allow ALL MAC AUTH] as an Authentication Method for Guests?

A.This removes the reliance on the known or unknown status for MAC authentication.

B. All clients with unknown endpoints will be granted guest access regardless of authorization

C. Client attempts will fail without an additional Authentication method applied.

D. All clients with known endpoints will be granted guest access regardless of authorization.

Correct Answer: A

Q2. What is true regarding Posturing and Profiling?

A.Both Posturing and Profiling describe the same thing, what is the health of the client endpoinst?

B. Profiling describes categorizing the user based on their department while Posturing validates the user as authenticated

C. Posturing and Profiling are role assignments in ClearPass used internally to map to enforcement policies.

D. Profiling is the act of identifying the endpoint type while Posturing is assigning a status as to the health of the endpoint

Correct Answer: D

Q3. When using Guest Authentication with MAC Caching service template, which statements are true? (Select two.)

A.The guest authentication is provided better security than without using MAC caching

B. The guest authentication is provided better security than without using MAC caching

C. The endpoint status of the client will be treated as 'known' the first time the client associates to the network

D. Which wireless SSID and wireless controller must be indicated when configuring the template

E. The client will be required to re-enter their credentials even if still within the MAC-Auth Expiry term

Correct Answer: A, D

Q4. Your boss suggests configuring a guest self-registration page in ClearPass for an upcoming conference event. What are the benefits of using guest serf-registration'? (Select two)

A.This will allow conference employees to pre-load additional device information as guests arrive and register.

B. This strategy effectively stops employees from putting their own corporate devices on the guest network.

C. This will enable additional information to be gathered about guests during the conference.

D. This allows guest users to create and manage their own login account. D18912E1457D5D1DDCBD40AB3BF70D5D

E. This will allow employee personal devices to be Onboarded to the corporate network

Correct Answer: A, D

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