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HPE2-K45 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Using HPE SimpliVity
Exam Code: HPE2-K45
Related Certification(s):

  • HPE Product Certified Certifications
  • HP SimpliVity [2021] Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of HPE2-K45 practice questions in our database: 
Expected HPE2-K45 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Explain HPE SimpliVity Stretched Cluster implementation/ Describe HPE SimpliVity value proposition
  • Module 2: Identify and describe HPE SimpliVity sizing and configuration tools/ Describe the benefits of HPE Reference ARchitectures
  • Module 3: Describe HPE SimpliVity support, security, and troubleshooting options/ Explain HPE SimpliVity data efficiency technologies
  • Module 4: Explain sizing guidelines and limitations/ Describe the HPE SimpliVity benefits, integration points, and HyuperGuarantees program
  • Module 5: Explain HPE SimpliVity deployment methods and upgrade procedures/ Explain HPE SimpliVity architecture and components
  • Module 6: Describe Installation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting for HPE SimpliVity solutions/ Describe HPE SimpliVity functionalities
  • Module 7: Describe the HPE SimpliVity portfolio/ Describe HPE SimpliVity TCO impact/ Describe the HPE SimpliVity portfolio
  • Module 8: Explain top use cases (VDI, ROBO, Datacenter Consolidation, Datacenter Protection)/ Explain Managing HPE SimpliVity


Exam Name: Using HPE SimpliVity
Exam Code: HPE2-K45
Related Certification(s):

  • HPE Product Certified Certifications
  • HP SimpliVity [2021] Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of HPE2-K45 practice questions in our database: 
Expected HPE2-K45 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Explain HPE SimpliVity Stretched Cluster implementation/ Describe HPE SimpliVity value proposition
  • Module 2: Identify and describe HPE SimpliVity sizing and configuration tools/ Describe the benefits of HPE Reference ARchitectures
  • Module 3: Describe HPE SimpliVity support, security, and troubleshooting options/ Explain HPE SimpliVity data efficiency technologies
  • Module 4: Explain sizing guidelines and limitations/ Describe the HPE SimpliVity benefits, integration points, and HyuperGuarantees program
  • Module 5: Explain HPE SimpliVity deployment methods and upgrade procedures/ Explain HPE SimpliVity architecture and components
  • Module 6: Describe Installation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting for HPE SimpliVity solutions/ Describe HPE SimpliVity functionalities
  • Module 7: Describe the HPE SimpliVity portfolio/ Describe HPE SimpliVity TCO impact/ Describe the HPE SimpliVity portfolio
  • Module 8: Explain top use cases (VDI, ROBO, Datacenter Consolidation, Datacenter Protection)/ Explain Managing HPE SimpliVity


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Q1. Which functionality does HPE InfoSight for HPE SimpliVity provide?

A.balance workloads across HPE SimpllVity nodes based on utilization

B. recommendation for guest operating system settings optimization

C. automated firmware and software upgrades for registered customers

D. monitoring of virtual machine latency

Correct Answer: A

Q2. How is each datastore presented to HPE SimpliVity nodes?

A.as a part of vSAN

B. as a VMFS datastore

C. as an NFS datastore

D. as a vVol

Correct Answer: B

Q3. A user deleted a file from Linux based virtual machine. Which HPE SimpliVity data protection feature can be leveraged to recover the flie?

A.Restoring a virtual machine from the backup

B. Moving a virtual machine from DR site to the primary site

C. Reverting to the SimpliVity snapshot

D. Using file level restore option

Correct Answer: A

Q4. What is the difference between crash consistent and application consistent cloning methods?

A.Application-consistent clones allow the pending 10 operations to finish before committing them to the database.

B. Both methods are the same; the only difference is speed of cloning.

C. Crash consistent method should be used only for the virtual machines with Fault Tolerance enabled.

D. Application consistent method is available only for Linux operating systems.

Correct Answer: C

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