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Adobe AD0-E134 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer Exam
Exam Code: AD0-E134
Related Certification(s): Adobe Experience Manager Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Number of AD0-E134 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 06, 2025)
Expected AD0-E134 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Determine the correct steps to configure OOTB SAML and LDAP integration/ Determine the approach to implement a headless or hybrid implementation
  • Module 2: Given a scenario, determine the correct steps to develop workflows/ Recommend and implement solutions to sync content/configurations across AEM environments
  • Module 3: Determine the correct method to create unit tests and map mock data/ Given a scenario, determine the correct method to Create and manage custom OAK indices
  • Module 4: Given a design, create custom components including the HTL, models, and services/ Given a scenario, determine the steps required to manage AEM environments
  • Module 5: Given a scenario, determine the approach for any third-party integration/ Identify the steps to create and manage AEM dispatcher configurations
  • Module 6: Determine the correct steps to implement SPA structure, templates, and components/ Identify the steps to set-up and maintain front-end and back-end dependency management
  • Module 7: Determine the correct archetype when building projects/ Explain how to create and manage OSGi configurations
  • Module 8: Determine the correct steps to configure multi-tenancy/ Explain the setup steps around release management


Exam Name: Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer Exam
Exam Code: AD0-E134
Related Certification(s): Adobe Experience Manager Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Number of AD0-E134 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 06, 2025)
Expected AD0-E134 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Determine the correct steps to configure OOTB SAML and LDAP integration/ Determine the approach to implement a headless or hybrid implementation
  • Module 2: Given a scenario, determine the correct steps to develop workflows/ Recommend and implement solutions to sync content/configurations across AEM environments
  • Module 3: Determine the correct method to create unit tests and map mock data/ Given a scenario, determine the correct method to Create and manage custom OAK indices
  • Module 4: Given a design, create custom components including the HTL, models, and services/ Given a scenario, determine the steps required to manage AEM environments
  • Module 5: Given a scenario, determine the approach for any third-party integration/ Identify the steps to create and manage AEM dispatcher configurations
  • Module 6: Determine the correct steps to implement SPA structure, templates, and components/ Identify the steps to set-up and maintain front-end and back-end dependency management
  • Module 7: Determine the correct archetype when building projects/ Explain how to create and manage OSGi configurations
  • Module 8: Determine the correct steps to configure multi-tenancy/ Explain the setup steps around release management


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Q1. A customer is having trouble with some search queries and provides the following information: * The logs show the following warning occurs many time: WARN* Traversed 1000 nodes with filter Filter (query=select...) * The client has more than 100,000 stored in their AEM instance * The client uses a custom page property to help search for pages of a given type What should the AEM Developer do to help resolve the client's issue?

A.Create a custom oak index for the custom page property.

B. Set the reindex flag to true for node ''oakindex/cqPageLicen'

C. Use the index Manager to validate the 'cqPageLicence index is enabled.

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Which practice should be used to push a code fix to make it into the current release candidate?

A.Make the fix in CRX where the current release candidate is currently deployed.

B. Create a new release candidate from the master branch.

C. Make the fix locally and upload the package to where the release candidate is deployed.

D. Cherry-pick the fix commit into the release candidate.

Correct Answer: D

Q3. What two types of testing are available OOB in AEM Cloud Manager Pipeline? (Select Two.)

A.Code Quality testing

B. Performance testing

C. Ul testing

D. Penetration testing

E. Integration testing

Correct Answer: A, C

Q4. Which query parameter needs to be added and set to true to debug a CQ HTML client library in the AEM author instance?


B. debugClienlLib

C. debuggerClientLibs

D. DdebuggerClienlLib

Correct Answer: A

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