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Salesforce Public-Sector-Solutions Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Public Sector Solutions Accredited Professional
Exam Code: Public Sector Solutions
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Accredited Professional Exams Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 75 Minutes
Number of Public Sector Solutions practice questions in our database: 100 (updated: Jan. 15, 2025)
Expected Public Sector Solutions Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Public Sector Solutions – Product-Specific Systems Knowledge: Proficiency of public sector technical consultants in configuring systems for licenses, permits, inspections, grants management, employee experience, and emergency response will be tested. Understanding document processing, eSignature technologies, and reporting options is critical. Success in this area demonstrates expertise in delivering tailored solutions aligned with customer objectives and lifecycle requirements.
  • Module 2: Public Sector Solution Product Configuration: This section assesses the proficiency of public sector technical consultant in identifying and implementing the right Salesforce Public Sector Solutions components for business requirements. Skills in Omnistudio, Service Cloud, and automation tools are key. It tests the ability to create optimized configurations, action plans, and digital experiences that enhance service delivery.
  • Module 3: Public Sector Solutions Implementation Strategies and Best Practices: This domain measures the ability to implement Salesforce Public Sector Solutions using strategic approaches and industry best practices. Focus areas include PSS solution, data sharing, security, scalability, and data quality. Demonstrating expertise in mapping business processes and designing robust solutions reflects the technical consultant’s aptitude for driving successful implementations in complex public sector environments.


Exam Name: Salesforce Public Sector Solutions Accredited Professional
Exam Code: Public Sector Solutions
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Accredited Professional Exams Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 75 Minutes
Number of Public Sector Solutions practice questions in our database: 100 (updated: Jan. 15, 2025)
Expected Public Sector Solutions Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Public Sector Solutions – Product-Specific Systems Knowledge: Proficiency of public sector technical consultants in configuring systems for licenses, permits, inspections, grants management, employee experience, and emergency response will be tested. Understanding document processing, eSignature technologies, and reporting options is critical. Success in this area demonstrates expertise in delivering tailored solutions aligned with customer objectives and lifecycle requirements.
  • Module 2: Public Sector Solution Product Configuration: This section assesses the proficiency of public sector technical consultant in identifying and implementing the right Salesforce Public Sector Solutions components for business requirements. Skills in Omnistudio, Service Cloud, and automation tools are key. It tests the ability to create optimized configurations, action plans, and digital experiences that enhance service delivery.
  • Module 3: Public Sector Solutions Implementation Strategies and Best Practices: This domain measures the ability to implement Salesforce Public Sector Solutions using strategic approaches and industry best practices. Focus areas include PSS solution, data sharing, security, scalability, and data quality. Demonstrating expertise in mapping business processes and designing robust solutions reflects the technical consultant’s aptitude for driving successful implementations in complex public sector environments.


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Q1. Which Experience Cloud template contains pre-configured components for Licensing and Permitting use cases?

A.Public Sector Solution Template

B. There is no pre-configured template

C. The customer Account Portal template.

D. The licenses and Permits template

Correct Answer: D

Q2. What are two possible use- cases for a FlexCard?

A.A widget to perform inline edits and calculations within a table quickly

B. A widget to ask multiple pages of questions in the application form

C. A widget to aggregate complex data models for quick-glance information

D. A homepage widget to quickly launch common processes.

Correct Answer: C, D

Q3. The City of Snaxboro has several License and Permit forms that are long and complex. Applicants often fill out these forms incorrectly and forget to submit key pieces of information, resulting in requests for more information on their applications. The city wants to use Public Sector Solutions and digitize these forms to increase the accuracy of information submitted by applicants and reduce processing times. What three recommendations should a Technical Consultant provide to the city to achieve this?

A.Add spaces in the names of each of the elements. This ensures improvement to OmniScript's load time.

B. Create a PDF form and integrate it with the Public Sector Solutions application intake form process

C. Review the application forms and find logical points in the process that can be broken into shorter steps.

D. Review the application forms and try to replicate them as much as possible in a single step using OmniScripts.

E. Analyze all the application forms and create simple, reusable OmniScripts for processes that are repeatable.

Correct Answer: C, D, E

Q4. Bobahaven has implemented the Licenses, permits, and inspections modules of Salesforce Public Sector Solutions to enable their permit application and approval processes. Permits received over 12 month require additional manage sign-off before approval. For regulatory compliance, the application's history and approval must be auditable. What will technical consultant suggest to Bobahaven is the solution for this requirement?

A.Implement an approval escalation rule that escalates applications to the user's manager when the application duration is longer than 12 months.

B. Implement an approval process that routes an approval request to the user's manager when the application duration is longer than 12 months.

C. Implement business Rules Engine to identify application .. 12 months and train staff to use Chatter to request approval from their manager.

D. Implement a Flow to identify applications over 12 months and assign ownership of the application to the user's manager for approval.

Correct Answer: B

Q5. What is right order of the grantmaking lifecycle?

A.Engage, Award, Plan, Review.

B. Plan, Engage, Award, Review.

C. Review, Award, Engage, Plan

Correct Answer: B

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