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Microsoft MO-201 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Microsoft Excel Expert (Microsoft MO-201 Exam)
Exam Code: MO-201
Related Certification(s): Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Excel Expert Certification
Certification Provider: Microsoft
Actual Exam Duration: 50 Minutes

Expected MO-201 Exam Topics, as Suggested by Microsoft

Module 1: Manage Workbook Options and Settings
This topic equips candidates with the ability to configure advanced workbook options for efficient data management. It covers setting up workbooks for collaborative use, protecting worksheets and workbook structures, and managing global options to enhance Excel functionality. Additionally, candidates will learn how to link external data sources and automate repetitive tasks using macros.

Module 2: Manage and Format Data
This topic focuses on organizing, sorting, filtering, and validating large datasets. Candidates will learn to apply advanced formatting techniques, including conditional formatting, custom number formats, and structured references. Ensuring data integrity through validation rules and structured organization is a key aspect of this section.

Module 3: Create Advanced Formulas and Functions
Candidates will gain expertise in using complex functions, including logical, lookup, and reference formulas. This topic emphasizes the application of advanced Excel functions such as XLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH, IF statements, and array formulas. Understanding how to troubleshoot formula errors and apply named ranges effectively is also covered.

Module 4: Create Advanced Charts and Tables
This topic enables candidates to visualize data effectively by creating and customizing advanced charts and PivotTables. It covers the use of PivotCharts, slicers, and conditional formatting within tables. Additionally, candidates will learn how to apply advanced sorting, grouping, and filtering options to improve data analysis.

Module 5: Manage Macros and Automate Tasks
This topic prepares candidates to increase efficiency in Excel by automating repetitive tasks using macros. It includes recording, editing, and assigning macros to buttons. Candidates will also learn the fundamentals of VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to create custom automation scripts, improving workflow efficiency.

Module 6: Analyze and Interpret Data
This topic focuses on performing complex data analysis using tools like Goal Seek, Data Tables, and Scenario Manager. Candidates will learn how to use Power Query for data transformation, apply data modeling techniques, and integrate external data sources. Additionally, understanding statistical and financial analysis functions ensures deeper insights into business data.


Exam Name: Microsoft Excel Expert (Microsoft MO-201 Exam)
Exam Code: MO-201
Related Certification(s): Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Excel Expert Certification
Certification Provider: Microsoft
Actual Exam Duration: 50 Minutes

Expected MO-201 Exam Topics, as Suggested by Microsoft

Module 1: Manage Workbook Options and Settings
This topic equips candidates with the ability to configure advanced workbook options for efficient data management. It covers setting up workbooks for collaborative use, protecting worksheets and workbook structures, and managing global options to enhance Excel functionality. Additionally, candidates will learn how to link external data sources and automate repetitive tasks using macros.

Module 2: Manage and Format Data
This topic focuses on organizing, sorting, filtering, and validating large datasets. Candidates will learn to apply advanced formatting techniques, including conditional formatting, custom number formats, and structured references. Ensuring data integrity through validation rules and structured organization is a key aspect of this section.

Module 3: Create Advanced Formulas and Functions
Candidates will gain expertise in using complex functions, including logical, lookup, and reference formulas. This topic emphasizes the application of advanced Excel functions such as XLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH, IF statements, and array formulas. Understanding how to troubleshoot formula errors and apply named ranges effectively is also covered.

Module 4: Create Advanced Charts and Tables
This topic enables candidates to visualize data effectively by creating and customizing advanced charts and PivotTables. It covers the use of PivotCharts, slicers, and conditional formatting within tables. Additionally, candidates will learn how to apply advanced sorting, grouping, and filtering options to improve data analysis.

Module 5: Manage Macros and Automate Tasks
This topic prepares candidates to increase efficiency in Excel by automating repetitive tasks using macros. It includes recording, editing, and assigning macros to buttons. Candidates will also learn the fundamentals of VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to create custom automation scripts, improving workflow efficiency.

Module 6: Analyze and Interpret Data
This topic focuses on performing complex data analysis using tools like Goal Seek, Data Tables, and Scenario Manager. Candidates will learn how to use Power Query for data transformation, apply data modeling techniques, and integrate external data sources. Additionally, understanding statistical and financial analysis functions ensures deeper insights into business data.


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Q1. When using conditional formatting, which option allows you to highlight duplicate values in a range?

A.Use the "Icon Sets" option

B. Select "Highlight Cells Rules" > "Duplicate Values"

C. Apply a formula with the COUNTIF function

D. Enable "Data Validation"

Answer: B)

Q2. Which VBA macro function is used to automatically run a macro when an Excel file is opened?


B. Workbook_Open()

C. Run_Macro()

D. StartUp()

Answer: B

Q3. What is the primary purpose of a PivotTable in Excel?

A.To format cells automatically

B. To create charts and graphs

C. To summarize and analyze data efficiently

D. To filter out duplicate values

Answer: C)

Q4. Which function is best suited for extracting the month from a date in Excel?





Answer: B

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