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Adobe AD0-E717 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Commerce Developer Professional
Exam Code: AD0-E717
Related Certification(s): Adobe Commerce Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 154 Minutes
Number of AD0-E717 practice questions in our database: 77 (updated: Jan. 06, 2025)
Expected AD0-E717 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Describe plugin, preference, event observers, and interceptors/ Given a scenario, use a DB schema to alter a database table
  • Module2: Describe cloud project files, permission, and structure/ Identify ways to connect to cloud services? (My SQL, Redis, tunnel:info)
  • Module 3: Identify the files to use when creating a store/admin config and menu items/ Given a scenario, describe usage of the di.xml
  • Module 4: Apply changes to existing product types and create new ones/ Describe branching using the Adobe Commerce Cloud CLI tool
  • Module 5: Describe environment Management using UI/ Describe stores, websites, and store views (basic understanding)
  • Module 6: Describe different types of attributes/ Describe how the ACL works with roles and resources
  • Module 7: Recognize basic knowledge of cloud user management and onboarding UI/ Explain how multi-source inventory impacts stock (program level)
  • Module 8: Identify Adobe commerce Cloud Plan capabilities/ Demonstrate the ability to manage Indexes and customize price output
  • Module 9: Given a scenario, describe basic checkout modifications/ Describe models, resource models, and collections
  • Module 10: Identify when to call support *Yaml files and limitations (DIY vs Support tickets)/ Identify the basics of category management and products management


Exam Name: Adobe Commerce Developer Professional
Exam Code: AD0-E717
Related Certification(s): Adobe Commerce Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 154 Minutes
Number of AD0-E717 practice questions in our database: 77 (updated: Jan. 06, 2025)
Expected AD0-E717 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Describe plugin, preference, event observers, and interceptors/ Given a scenario, use a DB schema to alter a database table
  • Module2: Describe cloud project files, permission, and structure/ Identify ways to connect to cloud services? (My SQL, Redis, tunnel:info)
  • Module 3: Identify the files to use when creating a store/admin config and menu items/ Given a scenario, describe usage of the di.xml
  • Module 4: Apply changes to existing product types and create new ones/ Describe branching using the Adobe Commerce Cloud CLI tool
  • Module 5: Describe environment Management using UI/ Describe stores, websites, and store views (basic understanding)
  • Module 6: Describe different types of attributes/ Describe how the ACL works with roles and resources
  • Module 7: Recognize basic knowledge of cloud user management and onboarding UI/ Explain how multi-source inventory impacts stock (program level)
  • Module 8: Identify Adobe commerce Cloud Plan capabilities/ Demonstrate the ability to manage Indexes and customize price output
  • Module 9: Given a scenario, describe basic checkout modifications/ Describe models, resource models, and collections
  • Module 10: Identify when to call support *Yaml files and limitations (DIY vs Support tickets)/ Identify the basics of category management and products management


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Q1. What is one way a developer can upgrade the ECE-Tools package on an Adobe Commerce Cloud project?

A.Cloud CLI for Commerce tool

B. Project Web Interface

C. Composer

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which log file would help a developer to investigate 503 errors caused by traffic or insufficient server resources on an Adobe Commerce Cloud project?


B. access.log

C. cloud.log

Correct Answer: B

Q3. In a new release of a module, a developer decides to rename a table that was defined in the earlier versions. Which action, if any, allows the developer to prevent data loss?

A.Define onCreate='migrateDataFromAnotherTable(old_table_name)' attribute in the table tag.

B. Declarative schema supports RENAME TABLE', so the data will be migrated to the new table automatically.

C. Define the table and columns mapping in the db.schema_whitelist.json

Correct Answer: C

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