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Adobe AD0-E906 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Workfront for Experience Manager Enhanced Connector Expert
Exam Code: AD0-E906
Related Certification(s): Adobe Workfront Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 110 Minutes
Number of AD0-E906 practice questions in our database: 55 (updated: Jan. 07, 2025)
Expected AD0-E906 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Technical Requirements: This section covers how to utilize Workfront Custom Forms effectively. Given a scenario, show how to manage documents.
  • Module 2: Configuration: This section covers how to use the best practices for managing users. Apply procedural knowledge to adjust existing AEM asset workflows.
  • Module 3: Business Practices: This section covers how to analyze client requirements to recommend suitable workflow strategies. Shows how to set up Workfront approval and proofing workflows. Given a scenario, identify optimal practices.
  • Module 4: Installation and Configuration of Connector: This section covers how to verify prerequisites within AEM. Given a customer use case, identify which features of the connector need to be implemented.


Exam Name: Adobe Workfront for Experience Manager Enhanced Connector Expert
Exam Code: AD0-E906
Related Certification(s): Adobe Workfront Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 110 Minutes
Number of AD0-E906 practice questions in our database: 55 (updated: Jan. 07, 2025)
Expected AD0-E906 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Technical Requirements: This section covers how to utilize Workfront Custom Forms effectively. Given a scenario, show how to manage documents.
  • Module 2: Configuration: This section covers how to use the best practices for managing users. Apply procedural knowledge to adjust existing AEM asset workflows.
  • Module 3: Business Practices: This section covers how to analyze client requirements to recommend suitable workflow strategies. Shows how to set up Workfront approval and proofing workflows. Given a scenario, identify optimal practices.
  • Module 4: Installation and Configuration of Connector: This section covers how to verify prerequisites within AEM. Given a customer use case, identify which features of the connector need to be implemented.


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Q1. An implementation consultant needs to configure metadata mapping between Adobe Workfront custom form fields and Adobe Experience Manager metadata properties. Which Iwo types of custom forms can the implementation consultant use to define these mappings? (Choose two)


B. Document

C. Portfolio

D. Program

Correct Answer: A, B

Q2. A large enterprise purchased Adobe workfront during a 'Land & Expand' Workfront campaign The legal department saw the Workfront document approval functionality and felt it would be good for their department. They know that to be effective, they must be in the same instance as marketing. The partner lead wants to collaborate with sales on how to approach this opportunity, when discussing with the marketing team, there was immediate pushback and the marketing manager refused to consider Workfront s group admin features. Which first step would motivate marketing to endorse a single Workfront Instance across the enterprise?

A.Training marketing on group admin functions

B. A demo to marketing tailored for multiple groups

C. Executive/Stakeholder Engagement

Correct Answer: C

Q3. A project manager wants to ensure that all documents within a certain project are shared with a designated team in Workfront What is the correct option for carrying out this action?

A.Link all the necessary document from Experience Manager to the designated project

B. Find the project where these document all reside and share it with the entire team

C. Share one of the documents the others will inherit the same access levels

Correct Answer: B

Q4. An AEM application must process a high volume of content ingestion on the author server What Is a key factor to optimize a design for overall performance gain for implementing workflows?

A.Use Schedulers to the workflow only one weekends

B. Allocate more RAM for the content ingestion up front

C. Use Transient workflowers

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