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Salesforce Education Cloud Consultant Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Education Cloud Consultant
Exam Code: Education Cloud Consultant
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Education Cloud Consultant Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Education Cloud Consultant practice questions in our database: 219 (updated: Jan. 10, 2025)
Expected Education Cloud Consultant Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Domain Expertise: This exam section covers topics such as finding the solution set that satisfies customer requirements like (marketing and engagement, recruitment and admissions, and the experience of students. It also covers the Education Cloud solution for K-12 customers.
  • Module 2: Education Cloud Configuration: In this exam question, the focus is given to discussing the capabilities and considerations of Education Cloud, including compatibility with other Salesforce products and features.
  • Module 3: Implementation Strategies and Best Practices: The current section of the exam covers how to aid a successful implementation (plan, gather requirements, design, build, test, document, deploy, and optimize). It also tests candidates for their knowledge of governance, change management, staffing, implementation strategies, deployment considerations, and the use of best practices.
  • Module 4: Solution Design: In this section of the exam, the topics covered include how to assess the similarities, differences, and relationships between Salesforce for Education solutions account model considerations and standard Salesforce Account-Contact data models. It also covers how to design an appropriate and scalable solution for education customers and locate community and open-source solutions and resources.
  • Module 5: Integration and Data Management: The section evaluates individuals for how they can assess integration considerations for connecting systems in an Education Cloud implementation and describes information management considerations such as utilization of information, forecasting, and huge data volumes.
  • Module 6: Analytics: In this section of the exam, the candidates are tested for their knowledge of how to distinguish between reporting solutions in Education Cloud and implementing a data analytics solution.


Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Education Cloud Consultant
Exam Code: Education Cloud Consultant
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Education Cloud Consultant Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Education Cloud Consultant practice questions in our database: 219 (updated: Jan. 10, 2025)
Expected Education Cloud Consultant Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Domain Expertise: This exam section covers topics such as finding the solution set that satisfies customer requirements like (marketing and engagement, recruitment and admissions, and the experience of students. It also covers the Education Cloud solution for K-12 customers.
  • Module 2: Education Cloud Configuration: In this exam question, the focus is given to discussing the capabilities and considerations of Education Cloud, including compatibility with other Salesforce products and features.
  • Module 3: Implementation Strategies and Best Practices: The current section of the exam covers how to aid a successful implementation (plan, gather requirements, design, build, test, document, deploy, and optimize). It also tests candidates for their knowledge of governance, change management, staffing, implementation strategies, deployment considerations, and the use of best practices.
  • Module 4: Solution Design: In this section of the exam, the topics covered include how to assess the similarities, differences, and relationships between Salesforce for Education solutions account model considerations and standard Salesforce Account-Contact data models. It also covers how to design an appropriate and scalable solution for education customers and locate community and open-source solutions and resources.
  • Module 5: Integration and Data Management: The section evaluates individuals for how they can assess integration considerations for connecting systems in an Education Cloud implementation and describes information management considerations such as utilization of information, forecasting, and huge data volumes.
  • Module 6: Analytics: In this section of the exam, the candidates are tested for their knowledge of how to distinguish between reporting solutions in Education Cloud and implementing a data analytics solution.


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Q1. Which metric should the consultant recommend to determine whether the Implementation project is successful?

A.Volume of emails to the office

B. Percentage of staff logins each month

C. Number of student phone inquiries

Correct Answer: B

Q2. A primary school has switched to remote learning and wants to track student well-being, technology needs, and various family situations needing attention. Which Education Cloud solution meets this requirement?

A.Student Success Hub

B. Pathways

C. K-12 Architecture Kit

D. Admissions Connect

Correct Answer: A

Q3. The School of Engineering is interested in a Salesforce email marketing tool that scores email activity from campaigns and mass communications, as well as individual emails sent from recruiters. Recruiters want the flexibility to send emails from their Outlook account or from Salesforce. The marketing director wants recruiters to use branded email templates. Which solution should the consultant recommend?

A.Email Studio and Salesforce Inbox

B. Account Engagement and Salesforce Engage

C. Account Engagement and Salesforce Inbox

Correct Answer: A

Q4. The advancement team uses Education Cloud for Advancement for its fundraising operations. The team wants a tool to help determine whether they will meet the campaign goal. Which analytics tool should the consultant recommend?

A.Campaign Influence

B. Tableau Prep Conductor

C. CRM Analytics

Correct Answer: C

Q5. A university is migrating from its Education Data Architecture org to Education Cloud. Which consideration should the consultant discuss with the university?

A.Education Cloud uses the Household Account model.

B. Education Cloud uses the Administrative Account model

C. Education Cloud uses Person Accounts.

Correct Answer: B

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