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HPE6-A73 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Aruba Certified Switching Professional Exam
Exam Code: HPE6-A73
Related Certification(s): HP Aruba Certified Switching Professional ACSP Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of HPE6-A73 practice questions in our database: 
Expected HPE6-A73 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Explain Aruba solutions integration and configuration concepts/ Manage, maintain, optimize, and monitor the wired network solution
  • Module 2: Explain QoS Aruba Switch features and configuration concepts/ Explain multicast features and configuration concepts
  • Module 3: Analyze data that represents the operational state of a network and determine the appropriate action/ Explain Aruba Switch security features and configuration concepts
  • Module 4: Given a scenario, identify a network failure/ Given a scenario with a design and/or customer requirements, determine an appropriate implementation plan
  • Module 5: Given the implementation plan, explain how to configure Layer 2 technologies/ Given an implementation plan, explain how to physically configure the switches
  • Module 6: Given an action plan to remediate an issue, determine the implications to the network state/ Determine a strategy to implement configuration management


Exam Name: Aruba Certified Switching Professional Exam
Exam Code: HPE6-A73
Related Certification(s): HP Aruba Certified Switching Professional ACSP Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of HPE6-A73 practice questions in our database: 
Expected HPE6-A73 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Explain Aruba solutions integration and configuration concepts/ Manage, maintain, optimize, and monitor the wired network solution
  • Module 2: Explain QoS Aruba Switch features and configuration concepts/ Explain multicast features and configuration concepts
  • Module 3: Analyze data that represents the operational state of a network and determine the appropriate action/ Explain Aruba Switch security features and configuration concepts
  • Module 4: Given a scenario, identify a network failure/ Given a scenario with a design and/or customer requirements, determine an appropriate implementation plan
  • Module 5: Given the implementation plan, explain how to configure Layer 2 technologies/ Given an implementation plan, explain how to physically configure the switches
  • Module 6: Given an action plan to remediate an issue, determine the implications to the network state/ Determine a strategy to implement configuration management


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Q1. An administrator will be deploying HPE Aruba Networking Switch Multi-Edit Software to manage an Aruba solution. What does Switch Multi-Edit Software support?

A.Manages AOS-CX switches and HPE Aruba Networking Gateways

B. Tracks configuration and hardware information

C. Support for HPE Aruba Networking-supplied security updates

D. Can be purchased as a VM and/or hardware appliance

Correct Answer: A

Q2. When implementing user-based tunneling on an AOS-CX switch, which component defines the primary and backup Aruba gateways?

A.Transit VLAN

B. Gateway role

C. Server group

D. Zone

Correct Answer: D

Q3. When cutting and pasting configurations into NetEdit, which character is used to enter commands within the context of the previous command?


B. '>'

C. Space

D. Tab

Correct Answer: D

Q4. A network engineer is setting up BGP on AOS-CX switches. The engineer is establishing two different eBGP peering's to two different service providers. The engineer has dozens of contiguous C-class public networks that need to be advertised to the two service providers. The engineer manually defines the networks to be advertised individually with the "network" command. How can an administrator advertise only a summarized route to the two service providers?

A.Create a summarized static route and redistribute this into OSPR

B. Summarize the networks with the 'aggregate-address' BGP command

C. Enable auto-summarization in the IPv4 address family of the BGP configuration

D. Create a summarized route in OSPF

Correct Answer: B

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