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Salesforce User-Experience-Designer Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer
Exam Code: User Experience Designer
Related Certification(s): Salesforce User Experience (UX) Designer UX Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of User Experience Designer practice questions in our database: 210 (updated: Jan. 07, 2025)
Expected User Experience Designer Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Discovery: In this topic, UX designers explore research methodologies and tools essential for designing solutions tailored to specific business requirements. The topic emphasizes gathering and planning strategies based on current user experiences. It highlights key Salesforce UX personas, their typical processes, and the value Salesforce can bring to enhancing user experiences.
  • Module 2: UX Fundamentals: This topic equips UX designers to identify the appropriate UX methods for defining optimal user experiences. It explains the influence of corporate branding and styling on user interfaces and highlights key design principles and tools to ensure accessibility and engagement. Additionally, the fundamentals of mobile UX design are covered.
  • Module 3: Human-Centered Design: Here, UX designers learn to integrate human-centered design principles into customer solutions, emphasizing empathy and user-centric strategies. The topic underscores the importance of inclusive design practices, ensuring solutions cater to diverse user needs and promote equity in digital experiences.
  • Module 4: Declarative Design: This topic provides UX designers with insights into core Salesforce objects and their impact on user experiences. It covers declarative features to enhance information architecture, optimize user flow, and improve efficiency in multi-step processes. Additionally, it includes guidance on global configurations, onboarding, support options, and applying branding to Salesforce solutions.
  • Module 5: Testing: In this topic, UX designers delve into methods for validating and testing designs with end users. The segment discusses optimal testing techniques to refine user experiences and managing design changes effectively. It ensures UX designers are prepared to implement user feedback for continual improvement in their solutions.
  • Module 6: Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS): This topic introduces UX designers to SLDS and its purpose in creating consistent designs within the Lightning Experience. It explores leveraging out-of-the-box configurations and customizing components to align with SLDS principles. Designers gain the knowledge to maintain cohesion and functionality across customized Salesforce environments.


Exam Name: Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer
Exam Code: User Experience Designer
Related Certification(s): Salesforce User Experience (UX) Designer UX Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of User Experience Designer practice questions in our database: 210 (updated: Jan. 07, 2025)
Expected User Experience Designer Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Discovery: In this topic, UX designers explore research methodologies and tools essential for designing solutions tailored to specific business requirements. The topic emphasizes gathering and planning strategies based on current user experiences. It highlights key Salesforce UX personas, their typical processes, and the value Salesforce can bring to enhancing user experiences.
  • Module 2: UX Fundamentals: This topic equips UX designers to identify the appropriate UX methods for defining optimal user experiences. It explains the influence of corporate branding and styling on user interfaces and highlights key design principles and tools to ensure accessibility and engagement. Additionally, the fundamentals of mobile UX design are covered.
  • Module 3: Human-Centered Design: Here, UX designers learn to integrate human-centered design principles into customer solutions, emphasizing empathy and user-centric strategies. The topic underscores the importance of inclusive design practices, ensuring solutions cater to diverse user needs and promote equity in digital experiences.
  • Module 4: Declarative Design: This topic provides UX designers with insights into core Salesforce objects and their impact on user experiences. It covers declarative features to enhance information architecture, optimize user flow, and improve efficiency in multi-step processes. Additionally, it includes guidance on global configurations, onboarding, support options, and applying branding to Salesforce solutions.
  • Module 5: Testing: In this topic, UX designers delve into methods for validating and testing designs with end users. The segment discusses optimal testing techniques to refine user experiences and managing design changes effectively. It ensures UX designers are prepared to implement user feedback for continual improvement in their solutions.
  • Module 6: Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS): This topic introduces UX designers to SLDS and its purpose in creating consistent designs within the Lightning Experience. It explores leveraging out-of-the-box configurations and customizing components to align with SLDS principles. Designers gain the knowledge to maintain cohesion and functionality across customized Salesforce environments.


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Q1. Cloud Kicks (CK) wants to provide employees with quick access to apps, objects, and other items in the Salesforce mobile app. Which navigational feature should CK use?

A.Personalized Navigation Tabs

B. Console Navigation

C. Utility Bar

Answer: A

Q2. Cloud Kicks' Sales team needs In-App Guidance for key functions and processes so they can maximize their time. In which way should a UX Designer customize the Salesforce Help Menu to meet this request?

A.Show a site map of all the content.

B. Create a docked prompt based on new feature rollouts.

C. Provide links to external resources, such as training videos or a company dictionary.

Answer: A

Q3. Cloud Kicks(CK) is incorporating Relationship Design principle into its business model and customer offerings wherever possible. Choose 3 answers

A.Prioritizing Innovation over copying the competition

B. Releasing Salesforce updates in managed packages over unmanaged packages

C. Reframing products in terms of user value over features and functions

D. Prioritize engagement number of impressions

E. Uncovering customer needs over broadcasting product benefits

Answer: A,C,E

Q4. Cloud Kicks has a content-rich set of record pages and wants its UX Design team to organize and consolidate them. Which Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) component should be used to organize and consolidate content?

A.Data Tables

B. Modals

C. Q Tabs

Answer: C

Q5. Cloud Kicks (CK) allows its partners to manage leads and opportunities. CK's relationship manager has requested that partners are able to quickly browse and see their opportunities segmented by key attributes: If the opportunity is closing within 2 weeks If it is valued at more than $100,000 Which approach should be used in Experience Builder to enable this?

A.Create a custom Lightning Web Component using a data table for each key attribute.

B. Allow each user to create a filter for each key attribute and link to the opportunities listview.

C. Configure a pre-filtered opportunity list view for each key attribute with the partner group.

Answer: C

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