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CompTIA DS0-001 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: CompTIA DataSys+ Certification Exam
Exam Code: DS0-001
Related Certification(s): CompTIA DataSys+ Certification
Certification Provider: CompTIA
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of DS0-001 practice questions in our database: 80 (updated: Jan. 04, 2025)
Expected DS0-001 Exam Topics, as suggested by CompTIA :

  • Module 1: Database Fundamentals: This topic covers database structure types, SQL code development and modification based on scenarios, comparison of scripting methods and environments, and the impact of programming on database operations.
  • Module 2: Database Deployment: In this topic, you’ll find discussions on database planning and design aspects. It also focuses on the implementation, testing, and deployment phases of databases.
  • Module 3: Database Management and Maintenance: Here, you’ll learn about monitoring and reporting for database management and performance, common database maintenance processes, documentation production, and relevant tools usage. Lastly, the topic focuses on implementing data management tasks.
  • Module 4: Data and Database Security: This topic focuses on data security concepts, governance and regulatory compliance purposes, implementing authentication and authorization policies and best practices. Additionally, the topic discusses database infrastructure security, and understanding types of attacks and their effects on data systems.
  • Module 5: Business Continuity: Finally, this topic covers the importance of disaster recovery techniques. Moreover, the topic explains backup and restore best practices and processes.


Exam Name: CompTIA DataSys+ Certification Exam
Exam Code: DS0-001
Related Certification(s): CompTIA DataSys+ Certification
Certification Provider: CompTIA
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of DS0-001 practice questions in our database: 80 (updated: Jan. 04, 2025)
Expected DS0-001 Exam Topics, as suggested by CompTIA :

  • Module 1: Database Fundamentals: This topic covers database structure types, SQL code development and modification based on scenarios, comparison of scripting methods and environments, and the impact of programming on database operations.
  • Module 2: Database Deployment: In this topic, you’ll find discussions on database planning and design aspects. It also focuses on the implementation, testing, and deployment phases of databases.
  • Module 3: Database Management and Maintenance: Here, you’ll learn about monitoring and reporting for database management and performance, common database maintenance processes, documentation production, and relevant tools usage. Lastly, the topic focuses on implementing data management tasks.
  • Module 4: Data and Database Security: This topic focuses on data security concepts, governance and regulatory compliance purposes, implementing authentication and authorization policies and best practices. Additionally, the topic discusses database infrastructure security, and understanding types of attacks and their effects on data systems.
  • Module 5: Business Continuity: Finally, this topic covers the importance of disaster recovery techniques. Moreover, the topic explains backup and restore best practices and processes.


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Q1. Which of the following commands is part of DDL?





Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which of the following resources is the best way to lock rows in SQL Server?





Correct Answer: C

Q3. A database administrator has been asked to assign a user the ability to view a data set. Which of the following practices best describes this request?

A.Access control

B. Security audit

C. Database audit

D. Password policy implementation

Correct Answer: A

Q4. An automated script is using common passwords to gain access to a remote system. Which of the following attacks is being performed?


B. Brute-force

C. SQL injection

D. Phishing

Correct Answer: B

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