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HPE6-A84 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Aruba Certified Network Security Expert Written Exam
Exam Code: HPE6-A84
Related Certification(s): HP Aruba Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of HPE6-A84 practice questions in our database:
Expected HPE6-A84 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Integrate Aruba solutions with ecosystem partner solutions/ Define PKI best practices and implement certificate-based authentication
  • Module 2: Design a workflow for Network Analytic Engine (NAE) script development/ Interpret and respond to endpoint classification data, as well as use it to tune policies
  • Module 3: Explain the role of device profiling and risk scoring in a company’s security efforts/ Explain and implement role-based access control
  • Module 4: Design and implement Dynamic Segmentation/ Implement Aruba Zero Trust Security for the unified infrastructure using ClearPass Policy Manager
  • Module 5: Design and deploy secure client-to-site access using Aruba Central and Aruba gateways/ Design and deploy Gateway IDS/IPS
  • Module 6: Perform a comprehensive analysis in a set timeframe/ Analyze logs, alerts, and other features at an expert level to detect threats
  • Module 7: Explain how Aruba solutions map to local compliance/ Describe Aruba CloudAuth capabilities and explain how to migrate to an Aruba CloudAuth-based solution
  • Module 8: Architect complex ACLs per wired interface and VLAN/ Design a detection strategy for rogue wireless devices and other wireless threats utilizing Aruba WIPS features
  • Module 9: Design enterprise-wide firewall policies/ Articulate the Aruba Zero Trust Security Strategy
  • Module 10: Implement endpoint classification and device profiling with CPDI/ Explain and implement forensic techniques


Exam Name: Aruba Certified Network Security Expert Written Exam
Exam Code: HPE6-A84
Related Certification(s): HP Aruba Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of HPE6-A84 practice questions in our database:
Expected HPE6-A84 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Integrate Aruba solutions with ecosystem partner solutions/ Define PKI best practices and implement certificate-based authentication
  • Module 2: Design a workflow for Network Analytic Engine (NAE) script development/ Interpret and respond to endpoint classification data, as well as use it to tune policies
  • Module 3: Explain the role of device profiling and risk scoring in a company’s security efforts/ Explain and implement role-based access control
  • Module 4: Design and implement Dynamic Segmentation/ Implement Aruba Zero Trust Security for the unified infrastructure using ClearPass Policy Manager
  • Module 5: Design and deploy secure client-to-site access using Aruba Central and Aruba gateways/ Design and deploy Gateway IDS/IPS
  • Module 6: Perform a comprehensive analysis in a set timeframe/ Analyze logs, alerts, and other features at an expert level to detect threats
  • Module 7: Explain how Aruba solutions map to local compliance/ Describe Aruba CloudAuth capabilities and explain how to migrate to an Aruba CloudAuth-based solution
  • Module 8: Architect complex ACLs per wired interface and VLAN/ Design a detection strategy for rogue wireless devices and other wireless threats utilizing Aruba WIPS features
  • Module 9: Design enterprise-wide firewall policies/ Articulate the Aruba Zero Trust Security Strategy
  • Module 10: Implement endpoint classification and device profiling with CPDI/ Explain and implement forensic techniques


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Q1. You are setting up Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) to enforce EAP-TLS authentication with Active Directory as the authentication source. The company wants to prevent users with disabled accounts from connecting even if those users still have valid certificates. As the first part of meeting these criteria, what should you do to enable CPPM to determine where accounts are enabled in AD or not?

A.Add an Endpoint Context Server to the domain controller with actions for querying the domain controller for account status.

B. Enable OCSP in the EAP-TLS authentication method settings and configure an OCSP override to the domain controller FQDN.

C. Add a custom attribute for userAccountControl to the filters in the AD authentication source.

D. Install a Microsoft Active Directory extension in Aruba ClearPass Guest and set up an HTTP authentication source that points to that extension.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Refer to the scenario. A customer is migrating from on-prem AD to Azure AD as its sole domain solution. The customer also manages both wired and wireless devices with Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Intune). The customer wants to improve security for the network edge. You are helping the customer design a ClearPass deployment for this purpose. Aruba network devices will authenticate wireless and wired clients to an Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) cluster (which uses version 6.10). The customer has several requirements for authentication. The clients should only pass EAP-TLS authentication if a query to Azure AD shows that they have accounts in Azure AD. To further refine the clients' privileges, ClearPass also should use information collected by Intune to make access control decisions. You are planning to use Azure AD as the authentication source in 802.1X services. What should you make sure that the customer understands is required?

A.An app registration on Azure AD that references the CPPM's FQDN

B. Windows 365 subscriptions

C. CPPM's RADIUS certificate was imported as trusted in the Azure AD directory

D. Azure AD Domain Services

Correct Answer: A

Q3. What is a common characteristic of a beacon between a compromised device and a command and control server?

A.Use of IPv6 addressing instead of IPv4 addressing

B. Lack of encryption

C. Use of less common protocols such as SNAP

D. Periodic transmission of small, identically sized packets

Correct Answer: D

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