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HPE6-A66 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Aruba Certified Design Associate Exam
Exam Code: HPE6-A66
Related Certification(s):

  • HP Aruba Certifications
  • HP Aruba Certified Design Associate ACDA Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of HPE6-A66 practice questions in our database: 60 (updated: 30-07-2024)
Expected HPE6-A66 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Given the customer’s requirements, explain and justify the recommended solution/ Gather and analyze data, and document customer requirements
  • Module 2: Explain how a specific technology or solution would meet the customer’s requirements/ Recommend the solution to the customer
  • Module 3: Evaluate the customer requirements for a simple campus environment identify gaps per a gap analysis/ Produce a detailed design specification document
  • Module 4: Translate the business needs of a simple campus environment into technical customer requirements/ Select components based on the analysis results
  • Module 5: Given the customer scenario and service level agreements, document the licensing and maintenance requirements/ Plan and design an Aruba solution per customer requirements
  • Module 6: Requirements for a single-site campus environment design the high-level Aruba solution
  • Module 7: Given an outline of a customer’s needs for a simple campus environment determine the information required to create a solution
  • Module 8: Evaluate the requirements, and select the appropriate Aruba solution for the design/ Choose the appropriate components that should be included in the BOM
  • Module 9: Design and document the logical and physical network solutions/ Simple site environment determine the component details and document the high-level design


Exam Name: Aruba Certified Design Associate Exam
Exam Code: HPE6-A66
Related Certification(s):

  • HP Aruba Certifications
  • HP Aruba Certified Design Associate ACDA Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of HPE6-A66 practice questions in our database: 60 (updated: 30-07-2024)
Expected HPE6-A66 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Given the customer’s requirements, explain and justify the recommended solution/ Gather and analyze data, and document customer requirements
  • Module 2: Explain how a specific technology or solution would meet the customer’s requirements/ Recommend the solution to the customer
  • Module 3: Evaluate the customer requirements for a simple campus environment identify gaps per a gap analysis/ Produce a detailed design specification document
  • Module 4: Translate the business needs of a simple campus environment into technical customer requirements/ Select components based on the analysis results
  • Module 5: Given the customer scenario and service level agreements, document the licensing and maintenance requirements/ Plan and design an Aruba solution per customer requirements
  • Module 6: Requirements for a single-site campus environment design the high-level Aruba solution
  • Module 7: Given an outline of a customer’s needs for a simple campus environment determine the information required to create a solution
  • Module 8: Evaluate the requirements, and select the appropriate Aruba solution for the design/ Choose the appropriate components that should be included in the BOM
  • Module 9: Design and document the logical and physical network solutions/ Simple site environment determine the component details and document the high-level design


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Q1. A customer is designing a new wired network. The customer requires 50 Gbps uplinks, VSF logical switching, and smart rate port support Which of the following switches would meet these requirements?

A.3810M series

B. 6300 series

C. 5400R series

D. 8300 series

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Which feature does the Aruba AP 387 support?

A.802.11 ax

B. Indoor usage

C. included external directional antennas


Correct Answer: D

Q3. A network architect is doing a site survey for a new wireless design One concern the company has with the old wireless network is coverage. In some cases, APs would lose power and some employees in the network would lose wireless connectivity. The new design needs to prevent this issue from occurring. During the site survey, what are best practices to be followed in regards to the dBm signal level and the power of the AP to ensure adequate wireless coverage and minimal overlap of AP signals for the new design?

A.AP power at 75% and a measurement of -90 dBM on the measuring device

B. AP power at 100% and a measurement of -65 dBM on the measuring device

C. AP power at 75% and a measurement of -80 dBM on the measuring device

D. AP power at 50% and a measurement of -65 dBM on the measuring device

Correct Answer: B

Q4. A company has hired a network architect to replace an existing legacy wireless and wired network The building is one-story and contains four wiring closets Based on the information the network architect gathered from the company, one 48-port POE+ switch and three 48-port non-POE+ switches will be placed in each wiring closet. One stacking domain should be created for each wiring closet that supports 40 Gbps uplinks. Which stacking solution should the architect implement for the floor that meets the requirements and is the most cost-effective'?



C. Backplane stacking

D. Distributed trunking

Correct Answer: A

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