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Adobe AD0-E406 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Target Business practitioner Expert
Exam Code: AD0-E406
Related Certification(s): Adobe Target Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 136 Minutes
Number of AD0-E406 practice questions in our database: 68 (updated: Jan. 15, 2025)
Expected AD0-E406 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Explain the use of Form-Based Experience Composer vs. the Visual Experience Composer/ Analyze a test hypothesis based on a given scenario and identify aspects of a valid hypothesis
  • Module 2: Apply procedures to manage experiences within an experience composer/ Prioritize test ideas based on business needs, level of effort, and potential for lift
  • Module 3: Determine the winning variation based on the observed lift, confidence levels and business objectives/ Based on the Adobe Sample Size Calculator, determine how variables impact the activity
  • Module 4: Determine the appropriate analytics reporting sources (i.e., Target or Adobe Analytics)/ Identify opportunities for optimization based on business KPIs and data analysis
  • Module 5: Understand how Automated Personalization Summary reports differ from other reports/ Construct test hypotheses based on a given scenario and identify hypotheses elements
  • Module 6: Define and evaluate report settings to help set the elements that appear in a report/ Determine KPI-based primary and secondary success metrics
  • Module 7: Apply procedures to manage Activities and Audiences within Target/ Evaluate and identify common problems associated with A/B testing and how to avoid them
  • Module 8: Describe the workflow that applies to creating Target Activities/ Identify business KPIs and successfully translate these into optimization goals given key business requirements
  • Module 9: Apply procedures to create an experience using Form-Based Composer/ Use browser debugging tools (including Experience Cloud Debugger) to verify implementation


Exam Name: Adobe Target Business practitioner Expert
Exam Code: AD0-E406
Related Certification(s): Adobe Target Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 136 Minutes
Number of AD0-E406 practice questions in our database: 68 (updated: Jan. 15, 2025)
Expected AD0-E406 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Explain the use of Form-Based Experience Composer vs. the Visual Experience Composer/ Analyze a test hypothesis based on a given scenario and identify aspects of a valid hypothesis
  • Module 2: Apply procedures to manage experiences within an experience composer/ Prioritize test ideas based on business needs, level of effort, and potential for lift
  • Module 3: Determine the winning variation based on the observed lift, confidence levels and business objectives/ Based on the Adobe Sample Size Calculator, determine how variables impact the activity
  • Module 4: Determine the appropriate analytics reporting sources (i.e., Target or Adobe Analytics)/ Identify opportunities for optimization based on business KPIs and data analysis
  • Module 5: Understand how Automated Personalization Summary reports differ from other reports/ Construct test hypotheses based on a given scenario and identify hypotheses elements
  • Module 6: Define and evaluate report settings to help set the elements that appear in a report/ Determine KPI-based primary and secondary success metrics
  • Module 7: Apply procedures to manage Activities and Audiences within Target/ Evaluate and identify common problems associated with A/B testing and how to avoid them
  • Module 8: Describe the workflow that applies to creating Target Activities/ Identify business KPIs and successfully translate these into optimization goals given key business requirements
  • Module 9: Apply procedures to create an experience using Form-Based Composer/ Use browser debugging tools (including Experience Cloud Debugger) to verify implementation


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Q1. On which channel can Adobe Target Visual Experience Composer (VEC) be used to create experiences?


B. Email

C. Internet of Things devices

Correct Answer: C

Q2. One of the distribution centers for an eCommerce site is down and the marketing team wants to display a message on the homepage to let customers know that shipping will be delayed. What is the best way to create an activity that will target only the affected zip codes?

A.Create an A/B test, then create a custom audience for the test experience and make a rule in Geo with the list of zip codes.

B. Create an A/B test, then create a custom audience for the test experience and make a rule in Geo with the list of zip codes. Divert 100% of traffic to the test experience.

C. Create an XT activity, then create a custom audience and make a rule in Geo with the list of zip codes.

Correct Answer: C

Q3. As part of a large scale marketing campaign, an activity must run for 10 days. It will start at 3:00 am on a specific date and end 10 days later at 3:00 am. What is the easiest way to ensure this activity starts and ends automatically?

A.Add a Time Frame audience rule.

B. Schedule a duration and activate.

C. Trigger an alert and activate.

Correct Answer: B

Q4. What is one characteristic of strong success metrics?

A.They must represent the very next step in the conversion funnel so that we can confidently trace cause to effect.

B. They must be relevant to many use cases across the optimization program.

C. They must take into account the specific business objectives of each test.

Correct Answer: A

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