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Adobe AD0-E307 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Campaign Standard Business Practitioner Expert
Exam Code: AD0-E307
Related Certification(s): Adobe Campaign Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E307 practice questions in our database: 90 (updated: Jan. 16, 2025)
Expected AD0-E307 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Analyze and interpret deployment results/ Identify workflow errors
  • Module 2: Apply the process to build targeted audiences/ Apply processes to execute workflows
  • Module 3: Given a sample OOTB report data, provide an interpretation of the results/ Interpret customer requirements
  • Module 4: Apply Email Designer functionalities to appropriate scenarios/ Determine the correct delivery configuration
  • Module 5: Apply the process to deploy a delivery and analyze results/ Explain concepts related to Campaign Standard administration
  • Module 6: Given customer requirements, determine the appropriate report to generate/ Design a new workflow based on business/campaign requirements
  • Module 7: Apply the process to schedule and send an OOTB report/ Explain the relevance of the data model
  • Module 8: Given a scenario, customize an out-of-the-box dynamic report/ Apply the process of creating a delivery
  • Module 9: Outline, complete and modify a campaign/ Campaign management, Requirements Analysis, Data management, Delivery management


Exam Name: Adobe Campaign Standard Business Practitioner Expert
Exam Code: AD0-E307
Related Certification(s): Adobe Campaign Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E307 practice questions in our database: 90 (updated: Jan. 16, 2025)
Expected AD0-E307 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Analyze and interpret deployment results/ Identify workflow errors
  • Module 2: Apply the process to build targeted audiences/ Apply processes to execute workflows
  • Module 3: Given a sample OOTB report data, provide an interpretation of the results/ Interpret customer requirements
  • Module 4: Apply Email Designer functionalities to appropriate scenarios/ Determine the correct delivery configuration
  • Module 5: Apply the process to deploy a delivery and analyze results/ Explain concepts related to Campaign Standard administration
  • Module 6: Given customer requirements, determine the appropriate report to generate/ Design a new workflow based on business/campaign requirements
  • Module 7: Apply the process to schedule and send an OOTB report/ Explain the relevance of the data model
  • Module 8: Given a scenario, customize an out-of-the-box dynamic report/ Apply the process of creating a delivery
  • Module 9: Outline, complete and modify a campaign/ Campaign management, Requirements Analysis, Data management, Delivery management


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Q1. What is the required to create a predefined filter?

A.Input form

B. Rights on a folder of type filter

C. Navigation hierarchy

D. Validity period

Correct Answer: B

Q2. Campaign requirements state that a random selection of 20% of recipients be withheld from the targeting population to receive a different creative treatment in another campaign. How should the business practitioner configure the workflow?

A.Use the workflow properties to configure the random sample and it will be posted to the folder

B. Use a query activity to select the random selection and a list update activity to house the sample

C. Use a split activity to select the random sample and a list update activity to house the sample

D. Use a delivery activity to select the random sample and it will be posted the delivery logs

Correct Answer: B

Q3. A Business Practitioner has a delivery with two links sent to 100 recipients: 80 messages reached the box 40 Recipients opened the delivery 20 Recipients clicked on at least one link What was the reactivity?


B. 20%

C. 25%

D. 50%

Correct Answer: C

Q4. What is the benefit of using the direct mail delivery step instead of a data extraction step?

A.The delivery step allows for personalization

B. The delivery step logs data to contact history

C. The delivery step sends the file to the configured vendor.

D. The delivery step allows for a preview of the direct mail piece.

Correct Answer: C

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