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HPE6-A47 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Designing Aruba Solutions
Exam Code: HPE6-A47
Related Certification(s): HP Aruba Certified Design Professional V1 Aruba ACDPV1 Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Number of HPE6-A47 practice questions in our database: 60 (updated: 29-05-2024)
Expected HPE6-A47 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Gather and analyze data, and document customer requirements for a single-site campus environment/ subsystems of an enterprise-wide network
  • Module 2: Given an outline of a customer’s needs, determine the information required to create a solution
  • Module 3: Evaluate the requirements for a single-site campus environment with less than 1000 employees or subsystems of an enterprise-wide network
  • Module 4: Select the wired and wireless networking technologies for the design/ select components based on the analysis results
  • Module 5: Given a scenario, evaluate the customer requirements to identify gaps per a gap analysis/ Given the customer requirements, design the high-level architecture
  • Module 6: Given a scenario, translate the business needs of the environment into technical customer requirements/ Given a scenario, select the appropriate products based on the customer technical requirements/ Plan and design an Aruba solution per the customer requirements for a single-site campus environment with less than 1000 employees or subsystems of an enterprise-wide network. Given a customer scenario, determine and document a detailed network management design/ design and document a detailed network security solution
  • Module 7: Given the customer’s requirements, explain and justify the recommended solution/ design and document the logical and physical network solutions
  • Module 8: Given a customer scenario, explain how a specific technology or solution would meet the customer requirements
  • Module 9: Given the customer requirements, determine the component details and document the high-level design/ choose the appropriate components that should be included on the BOM


Exam Name: Designing Aruba Solutions
Exam Code: HPE6-A47
Related Certification(s): HP Aruba Certified Design Professional V1 Aruba ACDPV1 Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Number of HPE6-A47 practice questions in our database: 60 (updated: 29-05-2024)
Expected HPE6-A47 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Gather and analyze data, and document customer requirements for a single-site campus environment/ subsystems of an enterprise-wide network
  • Module 2: Given an outline of a customer’s needs, determine the information required to create a solution
  • Module 3: Evaluate the requirements for a single-site campus environment with less than 1000 employees or subsystems of an enterprise-wide network
  • Module 4: Select the wired and wireless networking technologies for the design/ select components based on the analysis results
  • Module 5: Given a scenario, evaluate the customer requirements to identify gaps per a gap analysis/ Given the customer requirements, design the high-level architecture
  • Module 6: Given a scenario, translate the business needs of the environment into technical customer requirements/ Given a scenario, select the appropriate products based on the customer technical requirements/ Plan and design an Aruba solution per the customer requirements for a single-site campus environment with less than 1000 employees or subsystems of an enterprise-wide network. Given a customer scenario, determine and document a detailed network management design/ design and document a detailed network security solution
  • Module 7: Given the customer’s requirements, explain and justify the recommended solution/ design and document the logical and physical network solutions
  • Module 8: Given a customer scenario, explain how a specific technology or solution would meet the customer requirements
  • Module 9: Given the customer requirements, determine the component details and document the high-level design/ choose the appropriate components that should be included on the BOM


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Q1. What is the purpose of Mesh Clusters?

A.To separate Mesh points from Mesh Portals.

B. To ensure that mesh APs with the same VAPs are not in the same cluster.

C. To define a group of mesh APs that create mesh links with each other.

D. To cluster mesh APs of the same model together.

E. To enable mesh APs to join the nearest mesh portal cluster.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. A company purchased an indoor mesh deployment using the 7005 controller and the AP 115 models, where 5 APs will be deployed on a floor to provide wireless internet access for users. Users may open VPN tunnels using software clients over the wireless network to a 3rd party VPN concentrator overseas. The company wants to limit wireless user access to TCP traffic locally and VPN traffic overseas. In addition to the base AOS, which licenses will be necessary for this deployment?


B. AP Capacity, PEF-NG

C. AP Capacity, PEF-NG, VPN

D. AP Capacity


Correct Answer: B

Q3. How does an Aruba infrastructure calculate a wireless device's location?


B. RF Fingerprinting

C. RSSI triangulation



Correct Answer: C

Q4. Which of the following configurations can accept a VLAN pool?(Choose two)

A.Trunk native VLAN

B. Virtual AP profile

C. User Role

D. Server derived role

E. FW Policies

Correct Answer: B, C

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