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HP2-I17 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Selling HP Printing Hardware 2020
Exam Code: HP2-I17
Related Certification(s): HP Sales Certified Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Number of HP2-I17 practice questions in our database: 


Exam Name: Selling HP Printing Hardware 2020
Exam Code: HP2-I17
Related Certification(s): HP Sales Certified Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Number of HP2-I17 practice questions in our database: 


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Q1. You are meeting with a new customer to discuss their level of expertise and comfort in performing printer/scanner maintenance in house. What should you ask the IT manager to learn about the company's IT management approach? (Select two.)

A.Is cost or performance more important when deciding to repair or replace old equipment?

B. Does your maintenance plan allow for replacement equipment to minimize disruption and downtime?

C. Do you currently have a sustainabitity policy in place and can you meet your goals?

D. How do you manage the deployment and configuration of your printers?

Correct Answer: B, C

Q2. What advantage does HP JetAdvantage Security Manager offer?

A.It validates the integrity of the BIOS code and initiates a self-healing automatic device reboot.

B. It automatically validates print security settings across the fleet to ensure compliance.

C. It detects anomalies during firmware and memory operations automatically.

D. It features built-in encryption to protect sensitive information on hard drives.

Correct Answer: D

Q3. Which productivity-related trigger indicates that an HP LaserJet Enterprise might be a good fit tor your customer?

A.need for embedded security and high-end mobile printing options to keep data and devices safe

B. need to spend minimal time stocking a printer or fixing paper Jams

C. looking for document and workflow management solutions to improve efficiency and reduce costs

D. wanting a mobile printing technology to help reduce waste

Correct Answer: C

Q4. An enterprise hospital system that has recently installed HP PageWide Color MFPs prints many multiple-page documents every day. The hospital needs to digitize many copies of drivers licenses and ID cards that must be associated with the patient records they store in an ECM system. Which HP solution best meets this customer's needs?

A.HP Access Control Printing Solutions

B. HP Capture and Route

C. HP Roam for Business

D. HP Print Security Advisory Service

Correct Answer: A

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