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Adobe AD0-E127 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Experience Manager Forms Backend Developer Professional
Exam Code: AD0-E127
Related Certification(s): Adobe Experience Manager Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E127 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 05, 2025)

Expected AD0-E127 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Given a scenario, identify steps needed to build AEM Forms/ Given a scenario, describe the flow to integrate AEM Form with Adobe Experience Cloud
  • Module 2: Given a scenario, identify the steps for a Form approval workflow/ Given a scenario, demonstrate and implement processes for Interactive Communication
  • Module 3: Describe the steps for AEM Dispatcher setup for Forms/ Given a scenario, schedule different asynchronous batch processes using Watchfolder endpoint
  • Module 4: Identify features of an OSGi bundle using Document Services API/ Given a scenario, identify the steps to perform administration activities
  • Module 5: Describe the steps to navigate different consoles/ Given a scenario, identify steps to use Javascript ClientLib leveraging GuideBridge API
  • Module 6: Identify the features of Service Packs in AEM Forms/ Given a scenario, manipulate a PDF using Forms or Assembler services
  • Module 7: Identify the steps to generate various endpoint services/ Identify different outputs from XFA/XDP design
  • Module 8: Identify issues generated in log files/ Identify steps to customize AEM Forms


Exam Name: Adobe Experience Manager Forms Backend Developer Professional
Exam Code: AD0-E127
Related Certification(s): Adobe Experience Manager Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E127 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 05, 2025)

Expected AD0-E127 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Given a scenario, identify steps needed to build AEM Forms/ Given a scenario, describe the flow to integrate AEM Form with Adobe Experience Cloud
  • Module 2: Given a scenario, identify the steps for a Form approval workflow/ Given a scenario, demonstrate and implement processes for Interactive Communication
  • Module 3: Describe the steps for AEM Dispatcher setup for Forms/ Given a scenario, schedule different asynchronous batch processes using Watchfolder endpoint
  • Module 4: Identify features of an OSGi bundle using Document Services API/ Given a scenario, identify the steps to perform administration activities
  • Module 5: Describe the steps to navigate different consoles/ Given a scenario, identify steps to use Javascript ClientLib leveraging GuideBridge API
  • Module 6: Identify the features of Service Packs in AEM Forms/ Given a scenario, manipulate a PDF using Forms or Assembler services
  • Module 7: Identify the steps to generate various endpoint services/ Identify different outputs from XFA/XDP design
  • Module 8: Identify issues generated in log files/ Identify steps to customize AEM Forms


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Q1. Which feature is included in the AEM release of Service Packs?

A.Ability to restore deleted pages and tree

B. Sort the Live Copy pages available for rollout

C. GraphQL API for Content Fragments

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which location will an AEM Forms developer need to access to deactivate keyboard shortcuts in an AEM console?

A.Tools Section

B. Settings Tab

C. My Preferences

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Which script is part of the "Submit Action" that is used to create a custom AEM Forms?


B. dialog.xml

C. editfields.jsp

Correct Answer: A

Q4. AEM Forms developer is in the process of completing "ccrDocumentlnstance SPI implementation". Which service should the developer use to verify "Save" as the input method to generate an autogenerated draft ID and return it to AEM?


B. mySQLGetALLData

C. mySQLDataBaseServiceRead

Correct Answer: A

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