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HPE0-V28 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Delta – HPE Edge-to-Cloud Solutions
Exam Code: HPE0-V28
Related Certification(s): HPE ASE Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of HPE0-V28 practice questions in our database: 83 (updated: Jan. 15, 2025)
Expected HPE0-V28 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Compare and Contrast the use cases for Traditional, Cloud, and Hybrid solutions/ Validate that a final solution design meets updated customer requirements
  • Module 2: Identify and collect key metrics for existing infrastructure performance/ Position potential sale and upsell opportunities and engage appropriate contacts
  • Module 3: Qualify, architect, plan, and design a GreenLake solution/ Describe and differentiate IT Industry architectures and technologies and their appropriate use cases
  • Module 4: Architect and design an HPE solution based on customer needs/ Prepare a proposal to grow an installed solution or expand to other solutions
  • Module 5: Gather and analyze customer business and technical requirements/ Given a customer use case, Describe and Position traditional HPE Offerings
  • Module 6: Demonstrate knowledge of business value/ Given a customer’s requirements, prepare a proposal to grow an installed solution or expand to other solutions
  • Module 7: Identify key customer business, technical and system requirements and outcomes/ Given a customer use case, Describe and Position HPE GreenLake Offerings
  • Module 8: Document customer intent and solution design/ Given a customer workload/business requirement, slect the appropriate delivery model or models


Exam Name: Delta – HPE Edge-to-Cloud Solutions
Exam Code: HPE0-V28
Related Certification(s): HPE ASE Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of HPE0-V28 practice questions in our database: 83 (updated: Jan. 15, 2025)
Expected HPE0-V28 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Compare and Contrast the use cases for Traditional, Cloud, and Hybrid solutions/ Validate that a final solution design meets updated customer requirements
  • Module 2: Identify and collect key metrics for existing infrastructure performance/ Position potential sale and upsell opportunities and engage appropriate contacts
  • Module 3: Qualify, architect, plan, and design a GreenLake solution/ Describe and differentiate IT Industry architectures and technologies and their appropriate use cases
  • Module 4: Architect and design an HPE solution based on customer needs/ Prepare a proposal to grow an installed solution or expand to other solutions
  • Module 5: Gather and analyze customer business and technical requirements/ Given a customer use case, Describe and Position traditional HPE Offerings
  • Module 6: Demonstrate knowledge of business value/ Given a customer’s requirements, prepare a proposal to grow an installed solution or expand to other solutions
  • Module 7: Identify key customer business, technical and system requirements and outcomes/ Given a customer use case, Describe and Position HPE GreenLake Offerings
  • Module 8: Document customer intent and solution design/ Given a customer workload/business requirement, slect the appropriate delivery model or models


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Q1. Which customer issue does an in-memory database address?

A.the need for desktop virtualization

B. the need for flexible storage and compute scaling

C. the need for data virtualization in the cloud

D. the need for faster insights from data

Correct Answer: D

Q2. Which of the following is necessary when selecting the appropriate HPE and 3rd party products and services for a traditional solution?

A.Designing the solution based on customer requirements

B. Validating the customer requirements

C. Architecting the solution

D. Documenting customer intent

Correct Answer: A

Q3. What is one of the subjects that you should discuss in a discovery conversation about hybrid IT opportunities?

A.the time since the customer's last network refresh

B. the customer's data management strategy

C. the struggles the customer has in securing loT

D. how the customer uses open office space

Correct Answer: B

Q4. When designing and architecting a solution based on customer requirements, which of the following is necessary?

A.Qualifying the customer requirements

B. Selecting the right HPE and 3rd party products and services

C. Documenting customer intent

D. Planning the solution design

Correct Answer: A

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