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HPE7-A01 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Aruba Certified Campus Access Professional Exam
Exam Code: HPE7-A01
Related Certification(s):

  • HP Aruba Certifications
  • HP Aruba Certified Professional – Campus Access ACP – Campus Access Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of HPE7-A01 practice questions in our database: 119 (updated: Jan. 16, 2025)
Expected HPE7-A01 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Network Stack: This topic focuses on 802.11, 802.1, and 802.3 technologies.
  • Module 2: Connectivity: It covers foundational networking architectures and technologies. Moreover, it focuses on the deployment of devices.
  • Module 3: Network Resiliency and device virtualization: The topic focuses on implementing mechanisms for resiliency, redundancy, and fault tolerance.
  • Module 4: Switching: This topic is all about implementing and validating Layer 2/3 technologies.
  • Module 5: WLAN: It includes discussion about RF attributes, wireless functions, and configuration based on customer requirements.
  • Module 6: Routing: The topic focuses on implementing routing topologies and functions.
  • Module 7: Security: This topic covers security standards and concepts. Additionally, it deals with integrating wireless SSID with EAP-TLS.
  • Module 8: Authentication/Authorization: It discusses the implementation of wired AAA configurations based on customer requirements.
  • Module 9: Managing and Monitoring: It focuses on Port Mirroring, NAE agents, UXI sensors, and APIs.
  • Module 10: Troubleshooting: This topic is all about defining and performing troubleshooting on wired and wireless networks.
  • Module 11: Performance Optimization: It focuses on describing and implementing QoS. Additionally, the topic deals with optimizing wireless performance.


Exam Name: Aruba Certified Campus Access Professional Exam
Exam Code: HPE7-A01
Related Certification(s):

  • HP Aruba Certifications
  • HP Aruba Certified Professional – Campus Access ACP – Campus Access Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of HPE7-A01 practice questions in our database: 119 (updated: Jan. 16, 2025)
Expected HPE7-A01 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Network Stack: This topic focuses on 802.11, 802.1, and 802.3 technologies.
  • Module 2: Connectivity: It covers foundational networking architectures and technologies. Moreover, it focuses on the deployment of devices.
  • Module 3: Network Resiliency and device virtualization: The topic focuses on implementing mechanisms for resiliency, redundancy, and fault tolerance.
  • Module 4: Switching: This topic is all about implementing and validating Layer 2/3 technologies.
  • Module 5: WLAN: It includes discussion about RF attributes, wireless functions, and configuration based on customer requirements.
  • Module 6: Routing: The topic focuses on implementing routing topologies and functions.
  • Module 7: Security: This topic covers security standards and concepts. Additionally, it deals with integrating wireless SSID with EAP-TLS.
  • Module 8: Authentication/Authorization: It discusses the implementation of wired AAA configurations based on customer requirements.
  • Module 9: Managing and Monitoring: It focuses on Port Mirroring, NAE agents, UXI sensors, and APIs.
  • Module 10: Troubleshooting: This topic is all about defining and performing troubleshooting on wired and wireless networks.
  • Module 11: Performance Optimization: It focuses on describing and implementing QoS. Additionally, the topic deals with optimizing wireless performance.


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Q1. You are building a configuration in Central that will be used for a standardized network design for small sites for your company, you want to use GUI configuration for gateways and Aps, while template configuration for switches. You need to align with Aruba best practices. Which set of actions will satisfy these requirements?

A.Create one group in Central for switches a second group for APs. and a third group for gateways Create a unique site for each location, and assign devices to the appropriate site.

B. Create one group in Central for switches and a second group for APs and gateways. Create a unique site for each location, and assign devices to the appropriate site.

C. Create a single group in Central. Create a unique site for each location, and assign devices to the appropriate site.

D. Create a single group in Central. Create a unique site for each type of device, and assign devices to the appropriate site.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. For an Aruba AOS10 AP in mixed mode, which factors can be used to determine the forwarding role assigned to a client? (Select two.)

A.Client IP address

B. 802.1X authentication result

C. Client MAC address

D. Client SSID

E. Client VLAN

Correct Answer: A, D

Q3. For the Aruba CX 6400 switch, what does virtual output queueing (VOQ) implement that is different from most typical campus switches?

A.large ingress packet buffers

B. large egress packet buffers

C. per port ASICs


Correct Answer: A

Q4. Your customer currently has Iwo (2) 5406 modular switches with MSTP configured as their core switches. You are proposing a new solution. What would you explain regarding the Aruba CX VSX switch pair when the Primary VSX node is replaced and the system MAC is replaced?

A.VSX will select the MAC address from a node that is the lower ID.

B. Configure vMAC on the Primary VSX node under VSX to retain MAC after hardware replacement.

C. VSX will select the MAC address from a node that is a higher ID.

D. During the initial VSX configuration, the system-mac is assigned with a fixed MAC based on VSX ID.

Correct Answer: D

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