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HPE2-N68 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Using HPE Containers
Exam Code: HPE2-N68

Related Certification(s):

  • HPE Product Certified Certifications
  • HP Containers [2021] Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Number of HPE2-N68 practice questions in our database:

Expected HPE2-N68 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Explain basic artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) concepts/ Perform installation and setup processes
  • Module 2: Create Kubernetes clusters and demonstrate deploying applications on them/ Monitoring and Alerting
  • Module 3: Explain foundational concepts necessary for understanding how the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise Platform works/ Explain big data technologies
  • Module 4: Identify use cases and deployment options for the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise Platform/ Explain container and container orchestration technologies
  • Module 5: Explain the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise model, features, and functions/ Create EPIC clusters and demonstrate creating projects and running jobs on them
  • Module  6: Describe the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise Platform architecture and key features/ Explain the benefits of the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise Platform
  • Module 7: Configure various environments and demonstrate key capabilities/ Plan for a successful installation/ Perform key setup tasks


Exam Name: Using HPE Containers
Exam Code: HPE2-N68

Related Certification(s):

  • HPE Product Certified Certifications
  • HP Containers [2021] Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Number of HPE2-N68 practice questions in our database:

Expected HPE2-N68 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Explain basic artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) concepts/ Perform installation and setup processes
  • Module 2: Create Kubernetes clusters and demonstrate deploying applications on them/ Monitoring and Alerting
  • Module 3: Explain foundational concepts necessary for understanding how the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise Platform works/ Explain big data technologies
  • Module 4: Identify use cases and deployment options for the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise Platform/ Explain container and container orchestration technologies
  • Module 5: Explain the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise model, features, and functions/ Create EPIC clusters and demonstrate creating projects and running jobs on them
  • Module  6: Describe the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise Platform architecture and key features/ Explain the benefits of the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise Platform
  • Module 7: Configure various environments and demonstrate key capabilities/ Plan for a successful installation/ Perform key setup tasks


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Q1. What is an advantage of HPE Ezmerai Container Platform as compared to engineered Kubernetes distributions such as Red Hat OpenShift?

A.It keeps better pace with the latest Kubernetes versions and provides a flexible choice in which versions each cluster runs.

B. It enables customers to run containerized workloads on-prem while most engineered Kubernetes solutions are cloud only.

C. It is designed to run stateless and stateful apps while most engineered Kubernetes solutions are optimized for stateful apps only.

D. It provides a lower TCby using an upfront payment model as opposed to software subscriptions.

Correct Answer: A

Q2. You need to set up email alerts. When do you need to exec into the Ezmeral Container Platform controller's "epic-nagios" container, as opposed to using the Web Ul?

A.When you want to set a custom source email address for the alerts

B. When the controller DNS server does not have an entry for the destination email domain

C. When you want to specify multiple destination email addresses and groups

D. When you want to send an alert to an SNMP version 3 server

Correct Answer: B

Q3. What is one benefit that HPE Ezmeral Container Platform provides for loT deployments?

A.It supports Edgeline servers, which are specialized for the edge, as hosts within the platform.

B. It provides APIs for deploying the platform services on mobile devices.

C. Its control plane runs in the HPE cloud, which brings the scalability required for lot

D. It supports importing third-party loT platforms as clusters managed by the platform.

Correct Answer: B

Q4. What is one key advantage of HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric as opposed to HDFS?

A.Ezmeral Data Fabric stores a great deal more metadata than HDFS, making It more resilient.

B. Ezmeral Data Fabric uses more efficient erasure coding to protect all data, instead of replication.

C. Ezmeral Data Fabric reduces load on storage nodes by placing all metadata on a centralized name node, while HDFS distributes metadata.

D. Ezmeral Data Fabric enables admins to set policies at a logical volume level, while HDFS does not.

Correct Answer: D

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