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Salesforce Salesforce-MuleSoft-Developer-II Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Certified MuleSoft Developer II
Exam Code: Salesforce MuleSoft Developer II

Related Certification(s):

  • Salesforce Developer Certifications
  • Salesforce MuleSoft Developer II Certifications
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of Salesforce MuleSoft Developer II practice questions in our database: 60 (updated: Jan. 04, 2025)

Expected Salesforce MuleSoft Developer II Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Expose Production-Ready Anypoint Platform-Managed APIs from Mule Applications: This topic includes implementing versioning of API-related artifacts and configuring custom or out-of-the-box API policies. Additionally, it covers server-side caching of API invocations using policies, requesting access to APIs, and implementing HTTP callbacks.
  • Module 2: Implement Maintainable and Modular Mule Applications and Their Maven Builds: This topic covers modularizing and optimizing Mule application Maven build configurations. It discusses implementing Maven-based automated deployments to Mule runtimes. The topic also includes executing MUnit tests with Maven.
  • Module 3: Implement Monitorable Mule Applications: This topic encompasses exposing Health Check endpoints from a Mule application and implementing effective logging. It also includes changing log levels, aggregating, and analyzing logs. Furthermore it involves monitoring Mule applications and implementing message correlation.
  • Module 4: Implement Performant and Reliable Mule Applications: It discusses implementing ObjectStore and ensuring fault-tolerant, performant, and traceable message passing with VM and AnypointMQ connectors. The topic also covers fault-tolerant invocations of HTTP-based APIs, validating assertions and messages.
  • Module 5: Secure Data at Rest and in Transit: This topic involves implementing secure, environment-dependent properties management. It discusses creating, packaging, and distributing keys and certificates. Moreover, the topic also includes exposing and invoking APIs over HTTPS.


Exam Name: Salesforce Certified MuleSoft Developer II
Exam Code: Salesforce MuleSoft Developer II

Related Certification(s):

  • Salesforce Developer Certifications
  • Salesforce MuleSoft Developer II Certifications
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of Salesforce MuleSoft Developer II practice questions in our database: 60 (updated: Jan. 04, 2025)

Expected Salesforce MuleSoft Developer II Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Expose Production-Ready Anypoint Platform-Managed APIs from Mule Applications: This topic includes implementing versioning of API-related artifacts and configuring custom or out-of-the-box API policies. Additionally, it covers server-side caching of API invocations using policies, requesting access to APIs, and implementing HTTP callbacks.
  • Module 2: Implement Maintainable and Modular Mule Applications and Their Maven Builds: This topic covers modularizing and optimizing Mule application Maven build configurations. It discusses implementing Maven-based automated deployments to Mule runtimes. The topic also includes executing MUnit tests with Maven.
  • Module 3: Implement Monitorable Mule Applications: This topic encompasses exposing Health Check endpoints from a Mule application and implementing effective logging. It also includes changing log levels, aggregating, and analyzing logs. Furthermore it involves monitoring Mule applications and implementing message correlation.
  • Module 4: Implement Performant and Reliable Mule Applications: It discusses implementing ObjectStore and ensuring fault-tolerant, performant, and traceable message passing with VM and AnypointMQ connectors. The topic also covers fault-tolerant invocations of HTTP-based APIs, validating assertions and messages.
  • Module 5: Secure Data at Rest and in Transit: This topic involves implementing secure, environment-dependent properties management. It discusses creating, packaging, and distributing keys and certificates. Moreover, the topic also includes exposing and invoking APIs over HTTPS.


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Q1. Two APIs are deployed to a two-node on-prem cluster. Due to a requirements change, the two APIs must communicate to exchange data asynchronously.

A.Use the underlying HTTP request of Anypoint MQ to set the ‘X-CORRELATION_ID’header to the order ID

B. Set a custom Anypoint MQ user property to propagate the order ID and set thecorrelation ID in the receiving applications.

C. Use the default correlation ID, Anypoint MQ will sutomatically propagate it.

D. Wrap all Anypoint MQ Publish operations within a With CorrelationID scope from theTracing module, setting the correlation ID to the order ID

Correct Answer: A

Q2. A Mule application need to invoice an API hosted by an external system to initiate a process. The external API takes anywhere between one minute and 24 hours to compute its process. Which implementation should be used to get response data from the external API after it completes processing?

A.Use an HTTP Connector to invoke the API and wait for a response

B. Use a Scheduler to check for a response every minute

C. Use an HTTP Connector inside Async scope to invoice the API and wait for a response

D. Expose an HTTP callback API in Mule and register it with the external system

Correct Answer: D

Q3. The Center for Enablement team published a common application as a reusable module to the central Nexus repository. How can the common application be included in all API implementations?

A.Download the common application from Naxus and copy it to the src/main/resources folder in the API

B. Copy the common application's source XML file and out it in a new flow file in the src/main/mule folder

C. Add a Maven dependency in the PCM file with multiple-plugin as

D. Add a Maven dependency in the POM file with jar as

Correct Answer: D

Q4. A Mule application deployed to multiple Cloudhub 2.0 replicas needs to temporarily persist large files over 10MB between flow executions, and routinely needs to query whether the file data exists on separate executions. How can this be achieved?

A.Store the contents of the file on separate storage, and store the key and location of thefile Object using Object Store v2

B. Use an in-memory Object Store

C. Store the key and full contents of the file in an Object Store

D. Store the key and full contents of the file, caching the filename and location between requests

Answer: A

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