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Microsoft AZ-900 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
Exam Code: AZ-900
Related Certification(s): Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification
Certification Provider: Microsoft
Actual Exam Duration: 45 Minutes
Number of AZ-900 practice questions in our database: 497 (updated: Jan. 16, 2025)
Expected AZ-900 Exam Topics, as suggested by Microsoft :

  • Module 1: Describe cloud concepts: This section of the exam covers various concepts of cloud computing explains the shared responsibility model, and the benefits of using cloud services, and describes services such as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.
  • Module 2: Describe Azure architecture and services: This section of the exam explains the core architectural components of Azure, using Azure networking and compute services efficiently, storage services, access, and security. It also covers Azure datacenters, resource groups, and virtual machine options, including Azure virtual machines, Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets, availability sets, and Azure Virtual Desktop. It also covers application hosting options, virtual machines, virtual networks, Azure virtual subnets Azure VPN Gateway, etc. Finally, the section covers Azure storage services such as storage account options and storage types and Azure identity, access, and security including Microsoft Entra Domain Services, authentication methods, business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C).
  • Module 3: Describe Azure management and governance: This section of the exam covers cost management in Azure including the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator, explaining its features and tools in Azure for governance and compliance, its other technologies for overseeing and implementing resources, and monitoring Azure tools such as Azure Cloud Shell, including Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) and Azure PowerShell.


Exam Name: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
Exam Code: AZ-900
Related Certification(s): Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification
Certification Provider: Microsoft
Actual Exam Duration: 45 Minutes
Number of AZ-900 practice questions in our database: 497 (updated: Jan. 16, 2025)
Expected AZ-900 Exam Topics, as suggested by Microsoft :

  • Module 1: Describe cloud concepts: This section of the exam covers various concepts of cloud computing explains the shared responsibility model, and the benefits of using cloud services, and describes services such as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.
  • Module 2: Describe Azure architecture and services: This section of the exam explains the core architectural components of Azure, using Azure networking and compute services efficiently, storage services, access, and security. It also covers Azure datacenters, resource groups, and virtual machine options, including Azure virtual machines, Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets, availability sets, and Azure Virtual Desktop. It also covers application hosting options, virtual machines, virtual networks, Azure virtual subnets Azure VPN Gateway, etc. Finally, the section covers Azure storage services such as storage account options and storage types and Azure identity, access, and security including Microsoft Entra Domain Services, authentication methods, business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C).
  • Module 3: Describe Azure management and governance: This section of the exam covers cost management in Azure including the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator, explaining its features and tools in Azure for governance and compliance, its other technologies for overseeing and implementing resources, and monitoring Azure tools such as Azure Cloud Shell, including Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) and Azure PowerShell.


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Q1. You need to migrate an on-premises server by using a lift-and-shift migration, lo which type of cloud service should you migrate?

A.infrastructure as a service (laaS)

B. software as a service (SaaS)

C. platform as a service (PaaS)

Correct Answer: A

Q2. You have an Azure subscription. You plan to create a virtual machine. Where will the virtual machine be placed in Azure?

A.In a storage account

B. In a resource group

C. In an administrative unit

D. In an application group

Correct Answer: B

Q3. You need to migrate an on-premises server by using a lift-and-shift migration, lo which type of cloud service should you migrate?

A.infrastructure as a service (laaS)

B. software as a service (SaaS)

C. platform as a service (PaaS)

Correct Answer: A

Q4. What is the function of a Site-to-Site VPN?

A.provides a secure connection between a computer on a public network and the corporate network

B. provides a connection from an on-premises VPN device to an Azure VPN gateway

C. provides a dedicated private connection to Azure that does NOT travel over the internet

Correct Answer: B

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