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Adobe AD0-E709 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Commerce Developer Expert
Exam Code: AD0-E709
Related Certification(s): Adobe Commerce Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of AD0-E709 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: 01-02-2024)
Expected AD0-E709 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module1: Demonstrate the ability to create new APIs or extend existing APIs/ Demonstrate the ability to use the configuration layer in Adobe Commerce
  • Module 2: Demonstrate the ability to manage Indexes and customize price output/ Demonstrate the ability to extend the database schema
  • Module 3: Demonstrate the ability to add and customize shipping methods/ Correctly apply observers, preferences, and plugins (effects of sort order)
  • Module 4: Explain the use cases for Git patches and the file level modifications in Composer/ Describe the capabilities and constraints of dependency injection
  • Module 5: Determine the effects and constraints of configuring multiple sites on a single instance/ Describe how to use patches and recurring set ups to modify the database
  • Module 6: Explain how multi-source inventory impacts stock (program level)/ Recommend solutions for how to apply theme custom updates to product/category pages
  • Module 7: Apply changes to existing product types and create new ones/ Describe how to add and configure fields in store settings
  • Module 8: Demonstrate the ability to develop new payment methods or customize existing payment methods/ Demonstrate the ability to load and manipulate data
  • Module 9: Demonstrate the ability to update and create grids and forms/ Demonstrate knowledge of how routes work in Adobe Commerce
  • Module 10: Demonstrate the ability to customize sales operations/ Adobe Commerce Architecture and Customization Techniques


Exam Name: Adobe Commerce Developer Expert
Exam Code: AD0-E709
Related Certification(s): Adobe Commerce Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of AD0-E709 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: 01-02-2024)
Expected AD0-E709 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module1: Demonstrate the ability to create new APIs or extend existing APIs/ Demonstrate the ability to use the configuration layer in Adobe Commerce
  • Module 2: Demonstrate the ability to manage Indexes and customize price output/ Demonstrate the ability to extend the database schema
  • Module 3: Demonstrate the ability to add and customize shipping methods/ Correctly apply observers, preferences, and plugins (effects of sort order)
  • Module 4: Explain the use cases for Git patches and the file level modifications in Composer/ Describe the capabilities and constraints of dependency injection
  • Module 5: Determine the effects and constraints of configuring multiple sites on a single instance/ Describe how to use patches and recurring set ups to modify the database
  • Module 6: Explain how multi-source inventory impacts stock (program level)/ Recommend solutions for how to apply theme custom updates to product/category pages
  • Module 7: Apply changes to existing product types and create new ones/ Describe how to add and configure fields in store settings
  • Module 8: Demonstrate the ability to develop new payment methods or customize existing payment methods/ Demonstrate the ability to load and manipulate data
  • Module 9: Demonstrate the ability to update and create grids and forms/ Demonstrate knowledge of how routes work in Adobe Commerce
  • Module 10: Demonstrate the ability to customize sales operations/ Adobe Commerce Architecture and Customization Techniques


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Q1. An integration named Marketing is created on the Adobe Commerce instance. The integration has access on Magento_Customer::customer resources and the access token is xxxxxx .How would the rest API be called to search the customers?

A.Passing integration name and access token as http auth credentials:

B. Using integration name as username and access token as password, get the admin token (YYYYYY) via: Question Image

C. Using the integration access token as Bearer

Correct Answer: C

Q2. An Adobe Commerce developer adds a new extension attribute to add an array of values to the invoices that are fetched through the APIs. After a while, their technical manager reviews their work and notices something wrong with the extension_attributes.xml file that the developer created in their module: extension_attributes for="Magento\Sales\Hotel\Order\InvoiceRepository"> attribute code"my_code" type=string]''> What is the problem with this xml snippet?

A.The extension attribute references the repository instead of the interface it implements (Magento\Sales\Api\invoiceRepositoryinteface

B. The type is wrong, string[] should be replaced with array.

C. The extension attribute references the wrong interface it should have referenced the Magento\Sales\APi\Invoiceinterface.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. When building a custom page we need to get a collection of dat a. To determine how many items are in this collection, the Adobe Commerce developer uses $collection->count() . This sometimes is slow and causes some delay. What is the reason?

A.The collection is loaded first and then the number of items in the collection are returned.

B. Before the collection is loaded, the framework performs left joins for all related attributes are added to the query.

C. The framework internally uses SELECT count(-) and that is slower than loading the collection.

Correct Answer: B

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