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Amazon AXS-C01 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty
Exam Code: AXS-C01
Related Certification(s): Amazon Specialty Certification
Certification Provider: Amazon
Number of AXS-C01 practice questions in our database: 69 (updated: 25-03-2021)

Expected AXS-C01 Exam Topics, as suggested by Amazon :

  • Module 1: Design Multi-Modal Skills Using One Or More Service Interfaces/ Describe How Users Interact With Skills
  • Module 2: Identify AWS Services For Extending Alexa Skill Functionality/ Handle Unexpected Conversational Requests Or Responses
  • Module 3: Implement Alexa Service Interfaces (Audio Player, Video Player, And Screens)/ Design And Develop An Interaction Model
  • Module 4: Implement In-Skill Purchasing And Amazon Pay For Alexa Skills/ Map Features And Capabilities To Use Cases
  • Module 5: Voice-First Design Practices And Capabilities/ Follow AWS And Alexa Security And Privacy Best Practices
  • Module 6: Use Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) For Expression And MP3 Audio/ Debug And Troubleshoot Using Amazon Cloudwatch Or Other Tools
  • Module 7: Perform Analysis Of Skill Analytics In The Developer Console/ Parse Alexa JSON Requests And Provide Responses
  • Module 8: Differentiate Among The Statuses/Versions Of Skills/ Design A Multi-Turn Conversation
  • Module 9: Use AWS Lambda To Build Alexa Skills/ Implement State Management
  • Module 10: Publishing, Operations, And Lifecycle Management/ Troubleshoot Errors In The Interaction Model
  • Module 11: Describe The Skill Publishing Process/ Add And Remove Users In The Developer Console
  • Module 12: Use The Alexa Developer Testing Tools/ Use Built-In Intents And Slots


Exam Name: AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty
Exam Code: AXS-C01
Related Certification(s): Amazon Specialty Certification
Certification Provider: Amazon
Number of AXS-C01 practice questions in our database: 69 (updated: 25-03-2021)

Expected AXS-C01 Exam Topics, as suggested by Amazon :

  • Module 1: Design Multi-Modal Skills Using One Or More Service Interfaces/ Describe How Users Interact With Skills
  • Module 2: Identify AWS Services For Extending Alexa Skill Functionality/ Handle Unexpected Conversational Requests Or Responses
  • Module 3: Implement Alexa Service Interfaces (Audio Player, Video Player, And Screens)/ Design And Develop An Interaction Model
  • Module 4: Implement In-Skill Purchasing And Amazon Pay For Alexa Skills/ Map Features And Capabilities To Use Cases
  • Module 5: Voice-First Design Practices And Capabilities/ Follow AWS And Alexa Security And Privacy Best Practices
  • Module 6: Use Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) For Expression And MP3 Audio/ Debug And Troubleshoot Using Amazon Cloudwatch Or Other Tools
  • Module 7: Perform Analysis Of Skill Analytics In The Developer Console/ Parse Alexa JSON Requests And Provide Responses
  • Module 8: Differentiate Among The Statuses/Versions Of Skills/ Design A Multi-Turn Conversation
  • Module 9: Use AWS Lambda To Build Alexa Skills/ Implement State Management
  • Module 10: Publishing, Operations, And Lifecycle Management/ Troubleshoot Errors In The Interaction Model
  • Module 11: Describe The Skill Publishing Process/ Add And Remove Users In The Developer Console
  • Module 12: Use The Alexa Developer Testing Tools/ Use Built-In Intents And Slots


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Q1. Which of the following occur when a beta test of a live skill times out? (Choose two.)

A.The beta tester will lose access to the beta skill and will need to reenable the live skill

B. The beta tester will receive an email saying the beta test has ended

C. The administrator will receive an email confirming that the beta tester has been removed

D. The beta tester will lose access to the beta skill but will maintain access to the live skill

E. The beta skill history in the Amazon Alexa app will disappear once the beta test has ended

Correct Answer: A, B

Q2. While developing a skill, an Alexa Skill Builder finds that the voice response is too quick and needs to be slowed down. How can the Builder MOST efficiently iterate and test how the response will sound?

A.Make changes in the skill code, deploy it, and test it on the device.

B. Modify the SSML in the skill, save it, and check Amazon CloudWatch for errors.

C. Edit the SSML in the skill and use the Alexa Simulator tab on the Test page of the developer console.

D. Use the Voice & Tone tab on the Test page in the developer console.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. An Alexa Skill Builder submitted a child-directed skill for certification that lists the nearest skateboard parks. The Builder ensured that The skill does not link to an external account The skill stored the child's preference by userId The skill has a valid privacy policy link in the skill Distribution page Given this information, why will the skill fail certification?

A.The Builder did not upload a privacy policy document

B. Child-directed skills cannot use location information

C. The child's userId cannot be used because of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) restrictions.

D. The skill should not be child-directed as it can be used by children over 13 years old.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Before beginning the development of a skill, an Alexa Skill Builder wants to hear how a statement will be pronounced by Amazon Alexa in another locale. How should the Builder test the pronounciation of the statement?

A.Use the Alexa Simulator tab in the developer console to interact with the skill using the selected locale.

B. Create a developer account for the specific locale, and use a device to interact with the skill.

C. Use Voice & Tone tab in the developer console to play the statement using the selected locale.

D. Use the Manual JSON tab in the developer console to create a sample JSON response

Correct Answer: C

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