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Fortinet NSE5_FSM-6.3 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Fortinet NSE 5 – FortiSIEM 6.3
Exam Code: NSE5_FSM-6.3

Related Certification(s):

  • Fortinet Certified Professional Certifications
  • Fortinet FCP Fortinet Certified Professional Security Operations Certifications
Certification Provider: Fortinet
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of NSE5_FSM-6.3 practice questions in our database:

Expected NSE5_FSM-6.3 Exam Topics, as suggested by Fortinet :

  • Module 1: SIEM Concepts: This topic introduces aspiring Fortinet security professionals to FortiSIEM architecture components, deployment requirements, and event type classification. It delves into system configuration and management tasks while providing essential troubleshooting knowledge for deployment and configuration issues. The topic evaluates understanding of these foundational concepts critical for effectively deploying and managing FortiSIEM in complex security environments.
  • Module 2: FortiSIEM Operations: Security professionals gain hands-on expertise in device discovery, building actionable queries from search results, and fine-tuning data collection and notification processes. Additionally, the topic covers deploying FortiSIEM agents and troubleshooting related discovery challenges.
  • Module 3: FortiSIEM Analytics: This topic empowers Fortinet security professionals to apply advanced techniques like grouping and data aggregation to enhance search results. It emphasizes leveraging FortiSIEM’s reporting functionalities to generate actionable insights.
  • Module 4: Rules and Incidents: This topic focuses on identifying rule components, configuring sub-patterns, aggregation, and group-by settings, and managing incidents. Security professionals also learn to configure clear conditions and notification policies, ensuring streamlined incident response workflows and minimizing response times during security events.


Exam Name: Fortinet NSE 5 – FortiSIEM 6.3
Exam Code: NSE5_FSM-6.3

Related Certification(s):

  • Fortinet Certified Professional Certifications
  • Fortinet FCP Fortinet Certified Professional Security Operations Certifications
Certification Provider: Fortinet
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of NSE5_FSM-6.3 practice questions in our database:

Expected NSE5_FSM-6.3 Exam Topics, as suggested by Fortinet :

  • Module 1: SIEM Concepts: This topic introduces aspiring Fortinet security professionals to FortiSIEM architecture components, deployment requirements, and event type classification. It delves into system configuration and management tasks while providing essential troubleshooting knowledge for deployment and configuration issues. The topic evaluates understanding of these foundational concepts critical for effectively deploying and managing FortiSIEM in complex security environments.
  • Module 2: FortiSIEM Operations: Security professionals gain hands-on expertise in device discovery, building actionable queries from search results, and fine-tuning data collection and notification processes. Additionally, the topic covers deploying FortiSIEM agents and troubleshooting related discovery challenges.
  • Module 3: FortiSIEM Analytics: This topic empowers Fortinet security professionals to apply advanced techniques like grouping and data aggregation to enhance search results. It emphasizes leveraging FortiSIEM’s reporting functionalities to generate actionable insights.
  • Module 4: Rules and Incidents: This topic focuses on identifying rule components, configuring sub-patterns, aggregation, and group-by settings, and managing incidents. Security professionals also learn to configure clear conditions and notification policies, ensuring streamlined incident response workflows and minimizing response times during security events.


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Q1. An administrator wants to search for events received from Linux and Windows agents. Which attribute should the administrator use in search filters, to view events received from agents only.

A.External Event Receive Protocol

B. Event Received Proto Agents

C. External Event Receive Raw Logs

D. External Event Receive Agents

Correct Answer: D

Q2. In the advanced analytical rules engine in FortiSIEM, multiple subpatterms can be referenced using which three operation?(Choose three.)






Correct Answer: C, D, E

Q3. An administrator defines SMTP as a critical process on a Linux server. It the SMTP process is stopped. FortiSIEM will generate a critical event with which event type?




D. Generic_SMTP_Procoss_Exit

Correct Answer: B

Q4. What does the Frequency field determine on a rule?

A.How often the rule will evaluate the subpattern.

B. How often the rule will trigger for the same condition.

C. How often the rule will trigger.

D. How often the rule will take a clear action.

Correct Answer: B

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