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Salesforce Order-Management-Administrator Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Order Management Administrator Accredited Professional
Exam Code: Order Management Administrator
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Accredited Professional Exams Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of Order Management Administrator practice questions in our database: 85 (updated: Jan. 13, 2025)

Expected Order Management Administrator Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Order Management Basics: In this topic, the Salesforce Order Management Administrator Consultant learns to position Order Management effectively within Salesforce’s core architecture. By articulating the extensible platform capabilities, the ability to integrate with third-party systems, and the overall value proposition, this knowledge helps highlight Order Management’s seamless adaptability and efficiency. These insights are crucial for demonstrating business value during client engagements.
  • Module 2: Process Automation and Integrations: This section helps the Salesforce Order Management Administrator Consultant demonstrate the capability to deliver business value by integrating Order Management with external systems using clicks rather than code. Mastery of navigation within Order Management processes, connecting nodes, and integrating systems efficiently ensures understanding of how to implement effective solutions.
  • Module 3: Deployment and Debugging: In this area, aspiring order management administrator consultant demonstrates a deep understanding of deployment options, life cycles, and the configuration of supporting objects. This includes creating processes from scratch, leveraging pre-set data, and validating results in runtime scenarios.
  • Module 4: Data Model: This topic equips the Salesforce Order Management Administrator Consultant to showcase knowledge of critical objects such as Order, Order Summary, Fulfillment Orders, and Return Orders. It involves establishing and tracing integrations with B2C Commerce or other systems, including custom attributes. Proficiency here is pivotal for ensuring seamless data flow and robust Order Management operations within complex business environments.
  • Module 5: User Experience and Customization: This section emphasizes leveraging Salesforce’s Lightning UI to enhance user experiences. The Salesforce Order Management Administrator Consultant will customize experiences for users and managers through tools like the Lightning Page Editor, Report Builder, and out-of-the-box components. Success in this area ensures optimized workflows and improved operational efficiency.
  • Module 6: Advanced Topics: This topic challenges the Salesforce Order Management Administrator Consultant to diagnose and resolve configuration issues that hinder the launch or operation of Order Management processes. Proficiency includes troubleshooting integration problems and articulating how various processes interact to support successful deployments and system functionality.


Exam Name: Salesforce Order Management Administrator Accredited Professional
Exam Code: Order Management Administrator
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Accredited Professional Exams Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of Order Management Administrator practice questions in our database: 85 (updated: Jan. 13, 2025)

Expected Order Management Administrator Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Order Management Basics: In this topic, the Salesforce Order Management Administrator Consultant learns to position Order Management effectively within Salesforce’s core architecture. By articulating the extensible platform capabilities, the ability to integrate with third-party systems, and the overall value proposition, this knowledge helps highlight Order Management’s seamless adaptability and efficiency. These insights are crucial for demonstrating business value during client engagements.
  • Module 2: Process Automation and Integrations: This section helps the Salesforce Order Management Administrator Consultant demonstrate the capability to deliver business value by integrating Order Management with external systems using clicks rather than code. Mastery of navigation within Order Management processes, connecting nodes, and integrating systems efficiently ensures understanding of how to implement effective solutions.
  • Module 3: Deployment and Debugging: In this area, aspiring order management administrator consultant demonstrates a deep understanding of deployment options, life cycles, and the configuration of supporting objects. This includes creating processes from scratch, leveraging pre-set data, and validating results in runtime scenarios.
  • Module 4: Data Model: This topic equips the Salesforce Order Management Administrator Consultant to showcase knowledge of critical objects such as Order, Order Summary, Fulfillment Orders, and Return Orders. It involves establishing and tracing integrations with B2C Commerce or other systems, including custom attributes. Proficiency here is pivotal for ensuring seamless data flow and robust Order Management operations within complex business environments.
  • Module 5: User Experience and Customization: This section emphasizes leveraging Salesforce’s Lightning UI to enhance user experiences. The Salesforce Order Management Administrator Consultant will customize experiences for users and managers through tools like the Lightning Page Editor, Report Builder, and out-of-the-box components. Success in this area ensures optimized workflows and improved operational efficiency.
  • Module 6: Advanced Topics: This topic challenges the Salesforce Order Management Administrator Consultant to diagnose and resolve configuration issues that hinder the launch or operation of Order Management processes. Proficiency includes troubleshooting integration problems and articulating how various processes interact to support successful deployments and system functionality.


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Q1. An administrator needs to ensure that the Orders coming from B2C Commerce honor some business rules which need to be the same in both B2C and Order Management. This validation must happen before the Order Summary object is created. What can the administrator suggest to the developer to implement this requirement?

A.Use an AppExchange solution

B. Handle this in the Commerce System originating the Orders.

C. Write an Apex class with the validation rules and expose it as an Invocable Action

D. Use a Salesforce Labs solution

Correct Answer: B

Q2. Which three objects need to be utilized when creating orders using the composite API?

A.Pricebook Entry

B. Contact

C. Order Summary

D. Product

E. Account

Correct Answer: A, B, E

Q3. How can an administrator quickly examine the relationships between several objects?

A.Go to Schema Builder and check the boxes next to the object names

B. File a support case asking for a data relationship diagram

C. Generate an Entity Relationship Diagram by going to Data in Setup

D. Download it from the Partner Community

Correct Answer: A

Q4. An admin wants to deploy certain pages in Order Management to approved mobile devices. Which two steps are the recommended approach for this?

A.Build a custom application on Heroku calling the APIs

B. Install the Salesforce mobile app from Apple Store or Google Play

C. Save the pages with the options of both Desktop and Phone applied

D. Use the mobile publisher to create an app

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