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HPE6-A78 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Aruba Certified Network Security Associate Exam
Exam Code: HPE6-A78
Related Certification(s):

  • HP Aruba Certifications
  • HP Aruba Certified Network Security Associate ACNSA Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of HPE6-A78 practice questions in our database: 60 (updated: Jan. 11, 2025)
Expected HPE6-A78 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Security Fundamentals: This section covers the topic related to the main security concepts in the Aruba platform and also networking threats. It covers how to resolve those conflicts and utilize solutions.? Network Security Solutions: In this exam section, candidates are tested for their skills related to Aruba’s security products such as ClearPass.
  • Module 2: Access Control: This section of the exam covers strategies such as how to secure the access to network and using wired and wireless capabilities.
  • Module 3: Threat Detection and Prevention: In this exam section, topics covered include how to identify and stop security threats and problems to safeguard networks.
  • Module 4: Monitoring and Logging: In the Aruba environment, this section of the exam covers techniques and tools for monitoring network activity as well as other security incidents.


Exam Name: Aruba Certified Network Security Associate Exam
Exam Code: HPE6-A78
Related Certification(s):

  • HP Aruba Certifications
  • HP Aruba Certified Network Security Associate ACNSA Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of HPE6-A78 practice questions in our database: 60 (updated: Jan. 11, 2025)
Expected HPE6-A78 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Security Fundamentals: This section covers the topic related to the main security concepts in the Aruba platform and also networking threats. It covers how to resolve those conflicts and utilize solutions.? Network Security Solutions: In this exam section, candidates are tested for their skills related to Aruba’s security products such as ClearPass.
  • Module 2: Access Control: This section of the exam covers strategies such as how to secure the access to network and using wired and wireless capabilities.
  • Module 3: Threat Detection and Prevention: In this exam section, topics covered include how to identify and stop security threats and problems to safeguard networks.
  • Module 4: Monitoring and Logging: In the Aruba environment, this section of the exam covers techniques and tools for monitoring network activity as well as other security incidents.


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Q1. You have been asked to rind logs related to port authentication on an ArubaOS-CX switch for events logged in the past several hours But. you are having trouble searching through the logs What is one approach that you can take to find the relevant logs?

A.Add the '-C and *-c port-access' options to the 'show logging' command.

B. Configure a logging Tiller for the 'port-access' category, and apply that filter globally.

C. Enable debugging for 'portaccess' to move the relevant logs to a buffer.

D. Specify a logging facility that selects for 'port-access' messages.

Correct Answer: A

Q2. What is symmetric encryption?

A.It simultaneously creates ciphertext and a same-size MAC.

B. It any form of encryption mat ensures that thee ciphertext Is the same length as the plaintext.

C. It uses the same key to encrypt plaintext as to decrypt ciphertext.

D. It uses a Key that is double the size of the message which it encrypts.

Correct Answer: C

Q3. An ArubaOS-CX switch enforces 802.1X on a port. No fan-through options or port-access roles are configured on the port The 802 1X supplicant on a connected client has not yet completed authentication Which type of traffic does the authenticator accept from the client?

A.EAP only

B. DHCP, DNS and RADIUS only

C. RADIUS only

D. DHCP, DNS, and EAP only

Correct Answer: A

Q4. You are configuring ArubaOS-CX switches to tunnel client traffic to an Aruba Mobility Controller (MC). What should you do to enhance security for control channel communications between the switches and the MC?

A.Create one UBT zone for control traffic and a second UBT zone for clients.

B. Configure a long, random PAPI security key that matches on the switches and the MC.

C. install certificates on the switches, and make sure that CPsec is enabled on the MC

D. Make sure that the UBT client vlan is assigned to the interface on which the switches reach the MC and only that interface.

Correct Answer: C

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