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Adobe AD0-E708 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Certified Expert – Adobe Commerce Business Practitioner
Exam Code: AD0-E708
Related Certification(s): Adobe Commerce Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of AD0-E708 practice questions in our database: 61 (updated: Jan. 14, 2025)
Expected AD0-E708 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Demonstrate the ability to create promotions to meet specific business criteria and how it determines final pricing/ Understand how to natively configure cart and checkout
  • Module 2: Explain the customer self service and loyalty program native features in B2B/ Understand basics of compliance for privacy laws and payment security
  • Module 3: Demonstrate knowledge of the admin panel and the location of common features/ Distinguish the differences between native search and LiveSearch
  • Module4: Understand the available methods to integrate external system with Adobe Commerce/ Identify the features of Adobe Commerce Open Source Edition and Commerce Edition
  • Module 5: Explain the advantages and how to use BI to the Adobe Commerce solution/ Demonstrate the ability import/export Adobe Commerce entities
  • Module 6: Identify and analyze performance metrics to make improvements/ Distinguish the differences between all editions of Adobe Commerce products
  • Module 7: Explain common security aspects of an Adobe Commerce project/ Determine how to utilize product types and their features to meet customer requirements
  • Module 8: Understanding the different pricing configurations and how they affect the final price/ Describe the B2B functionality and how it relates to common B2B scenarios
  • Module 9: Understand the differences between Adobe Commerce native product and Adobe Sensei product recommendations/ Evaluate requirements to determine which websites, stores, and store view are necessary
  • Module 10: Demonstrate how to secure the Adobe Commerce data access with roles and permissions/ Evaluate the native available shipping methods in Adobe Commerce and how they apply to common use cases


Exam Name: Adobe Certified Expert – Adobe Commerce Business Practitioner
Exam Code: AD0-E708
Related Certification(s): Adobe Commerce Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of AD0-E708 practice questions in our database: 61 (updated: Jan. 14, 2025)
Expected AD0-E708 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Demonstrate the ability to create promotions to meet specific business criteria and how it determines final pricing/ Understand how to natively configure cart and checkout
  • Module 2: Explain the customer self service and loyalty program native features in B2B/ Understand basics of compliance for privacy laws and payment security
  • Module 3: Demonstrate knowledge of the admin panel and the location of common features/ Distinguish the differences between native search and LiveSearch
  • Module4: Understand the available methods to integrate external system with Adobe Commerce/ Identify the features of Adobe Commerce Open Source Edition and Commerce Edition
  • Module 5: Explain the advantages and how to use BI to the Adobe Commerce solution/ Demonstrate the ability import/export Adobe Commerce entities
  • Module 6: Identify and analyze performance metrics to make improvements/ Distinguish the differences between all editions of Adobe Commerce products
  • Module 7: Explain common security aspects of an Adobe Commerce project/ Determine how to utilize product types and their features to meet customer requirements
  • Module 8: Understanding the different pricing configurations and how they affect the final price/ Describe the B2B functionality and how it relates to common B2B scenarios
  • Module 9: Understand the differences between Adobe Commerce native product and Adobe Sensei product recommendations/ Evaluate requirements to determine which websites, stores, and store view are necessary
  • Module 10: Demonstrate how to secure the Adobe Commerce data access with roles and permissions/ Evaluate the native available shipping methods in Adobe Commerce and how they apply to common use cases


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Q1. A merchant has set the visibility of a configurable product to Not Visible individually and their variants to Catalog, Search. How is the product family displayed on the product listing page?

A.Only the simple products will display but null each nave a unique product detail page

B. The configurable and simple products will display individually but each will have a unique product detail page

C. Only the simple products will display but will share the same product detail-page as the configurable product

D. The configurable and simple produces will display individually but earh will have the same product detail page

Correct Answer: D

Q2. A retail sells their products on their Magento Commerce site and in physical stores, they want to give customers the ability to purchase and use gift cards online or in-store, including cards which have already been sold through both channels. Their in-store point-of-sale (POS) has built-in gift card capabilities and allows cards to be created or adjusted through an API. Which three items must be included in the requirements for this project?

A.Exiting Magento cards and balances must be imported into the POS

B. An additional payment method must be added to the Magento checkout

C. Existing in-store cards and balances must be imported Into Magento

D. Magento and the POS must share the same product catalog

E. Gift card records in Magento and the POS must be synchronized when any gift card transaction takes place

Correct Answer: B, C, D

Q3. A merchant has loaded their tax rates into Magento and assigned all of their taxable products to the correct tax class. They have also configured Magento so all customers, regardless of whether they are logged in, are assigned to a customer tax class. However, no tax is being added to orders.

A.integrate a GeoIP service so Magento can correctly identify the customer's region.

B. Edit each individual product to make sure that it is assigned to the right taxable region

C. Create 3 tax rule associating the rates, customer tax class, and product tax class

D. Select the correct tax rates within the customer tax class configuration

Correct Answer: D

Q4. A merchant wants to notify their customer when a product comes back in stock. Allow Alert when Product Come Back in stock was set to yes in the Magento admin panel but functionality is still not available to the customers. What action is required to correct this?

A.Display out of the Stock must be set to yes in the Magento admin panel

B. Allow Alert when Product Price change must be set to yes I the Magento admin panel

C. Display produce quality must be set to yes in the Magento admin panel

D. No additional action is required, the functionality will become available after the Catalog product index is updated by schedule

Correct Answer: D

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