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Fortinet FCP_WCS_AD-7.4 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: FCP – AWS Cloud Security 7.4 Administrator
Exam Code: FCP_WCS_AD-7.4
Related Certification(s):

  • Fortinet Certified Professional Certifications
  • Fortinet FCP Fortinet Certified Professional Public Cloud Security Certifications
Certification Provider: Fortinet
Actual Exam Duration: 70 Minutes
Number of FCP_WCS_AD-7.4 practice questions in our database: 
Expected FCP_WCS_AD-7.4 Exam Topics, as suggested by Fortinet :

  • Module 1: Public cloud fundamentals: It delves into AWS public cloud concepts. Moreover, the topic points out different Fortinet solutions to secure the cloud.
  • Module 2: AWS components: The topic identifies AWS networking components. It discusses the application of AWS security components. Lastly, the topic describes traffic flow in AWS.
  • Module 3: Fortinet product deployment: Integration of Fortinet solutions in AWS is discussed in this topic. Additionally, the topic focuses on the deployment of WAF in AWS.
  • Module 4: High availability: It covers the deployment of HA in AWS. Moreover, the topic discusses the configuration of HA by using Fortinet CloudFormation templates.
  • Module 5: Load balancers and FortiCNF: Its sub-topics discuss comparing load balancer types in AWS and deploying FortiGate CNF.


Exam Name: FCP – AWS Cloud Security 7.4 Administrator
Exam Code: FCP_WCS_AD-7.4
Related Certification(s):

  • Fortinet Certified Professional Certifications
  • Fortinet FCP Fortinet Certified Professional Public Cloud Security Certifications
Certification Provider: Fortinet
Actual Exam Duration: 70 Minutes
Number of FCP_WCS_AD-7.4 practice questions in our database: 
Expected FCP_WCS_AD-7.4 Exam Topics, as suggested by Fortinet :

  • Module 1: Public cloud fundamentals: It delves into AWS public cloud concepts. Moreover, the topic points out different Fortinet solutions to secure the cloud.
  • Module 2: AWS components: The topic identifies AWS networking components. It discusses the application of AWS security components. Lastly, the topic describes traffic flow in AWS.
  • Module 3: Fortinet product deployment: Integration of Fortinet solutions in AWS is discussed in this topic. Additionally, the topic focuses on the deployment of WAF in AWS.
  • Module 4: High availability: It covers the deployment of HA in AWS. Moreover, the topic discusses the configuration of HA by using Fortinet CloudFormation templates.
  • Module 5: Load balancers and FortiCNF: Its sub-topics discuss comparing load balancer types in AWS and deploying FortiGate CNF.


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Q1. You want to deploy the Fortinet HA CloudFormation template to stage and bootstrap the FortiGate configuration in the same region in which you created your VPC, which is Ohio US-East-2. Based on this information, which statement is correct?

A.You create an S3 bucket to stage and bootstrap FortiGate with an FGCP unicast configuration. The S3 bucket can be hosted in any region.

B. The Fortinet HA cloud formation template automatically creates an S3 bucket.

C. You create an S3 bucket to stage and bootstrap FortiGate with an FGCP unicast configuration. The S3 bucket needs to be hosted in the Ohio US-East-2 region.

D. You create a DynamoDB to stage and bootstrap FortiGate with an FGCP unicast configuration. It needs to be hosted in the Ohio US-East-2 region.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. You want to deploy the Fortinet HA CloudFormation template to stage and bootstrap the FortiGate configuration in the same region in which you created your VPC, which is Ohio US-East-2. Based on this information, which statement is correct?

A.You create an S3 bucket to stage and bootstrap FortiGate with an FGCP unicast configuration. The S3 bucket can be hosted in any region.

B. The Fortinet HA cloud formation template automatically creates an S3 bucket.

C. You create an S3 bucket to stage and bootstrap FortiGate with an FGCP unicast configuration. The S3 bucket needs to be hosted in the Ohio US-East-2 region.

D. You create a DynamoDB to stage and bootstrap FortiGate with an FGCP unicast configuration. It needs to be hosted in the Ohio US-East-2 region.

Correct Answer: C

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