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Salesforce PDI Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Platform Developer I
Exam Code: Platform Developer I
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Platform Developer I Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Platform Developer I practice questions in our database: 200 (updated: Jan. 09, 2025)

Expected Platform Developer I Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Developer Fundamentals: This section of the exam covers the understanding of multi-tenant concepts and developing models like the MVC architecture and Lightning Component Model. It also covers pinpointing common use cases and the most effective strategies for declarative versus programmatic customizations.
  • Module 2: Process Automation and Logic: This section of the exam covers the identification of the declarative process automation capabilities and how to declare methods, variables, and modifiers. It also covers utilizing Apex control flow statements and writing SOSL and DML statements.
  • Module 3: User Interface: Inside a particular scenario, this part of the exam covers displaying or editing content related to Salesforce data with the Visualforce page feature. It also covers explaining the Lightning Component Framework, its advantages, and what content can be used with a Lightning web component. It covers showing and utilizing a customized interface component such as Flow and Visualforce.
  • Module 4: Testing, Debugging, and Deployment: This section covers writing and performing tests related to triggers, classes, and processes by utilizing different test information sources. Moreover, it covers the understanding of various Salesforce Developer Tools such as CLI, DX, and Developer Console.


Exam Name: Platform Developer I
Exam Code: Platform Developer I
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Platform Developer I Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Platform Developer I practice questions in our database: 200 (updated: Jan. 09, 2025)

Expected Platform Developer I Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Developer Fundamentals: This section of the exam covers the understanding of multi-tenant concepts and developing models like the MVC architecture and Lightning Component Model. It also covers pinpointing common use cases and the most effective strategies for declarative versus programmatic customizations.
  • Module 2: Process Automation and Logic: This section of the exam covers the identification of the declarative process automation capabilities and how to declare methods, variables, and modifiers. It also covers utilizing Apex control flow statements and writing SOSL and DML statements.
  • Module 3: User Interface: Inside a particular scenario, this part of the exam covers displaying or editing content related to Salesforce data with the Visualforce page feature. It also covers explaining the Lightning Component Framework, its advantages, and what content can be used with a Lightning web component. It covers showing and utilizing a customized interface component such as Flow and Visualforce.
  • Module 4: Testing, Debugging, and Deployment: This section covers writing and performing tests related to triggers, classes, and processes by utilizing different test information sources. Moreover, it covers the understanding of various Salesforce Developer Tools such as CLI, DX, and Developer Console.


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Q1. Universal Containers is developing a new Lightning web component for their marketing department. They want to ensure that the component is fine-tuned and provides a seamless user experience. What are some benefits of using the Lightning Component framework?

A.Better performance due to client-side rendering

B. Automatic support for accessibility standards

C. Compatibility with all web browsers

D. Easy integration with third-party libraries

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Which statement should be used to allow some of the records in a list of records to be inserted if others fail to be inserted?

A.insert records

B. Database.insert (records, false)

C. Insert (records, false)

D. Database.insert(records, true)

Correct Answer: B

Q3. A credit card company needs to implement the functionality for a service agent to process damaged or stolen credit cards. When the customers call in, the service agent must gather many pieces of information. A developer is tasked to implement this functionality. What should the developer use to satisfy this requirement in the most efficient manner?

A.Screen-based flow

B. Lightning Component

C. Approval process

D. Apex trigger

Correct Answer: A

Q4. A developer identifies the following triggers on the Expense __c object: The triggers process before delete, before insert, and before update events respectively. Which two techniques should the developer implement to ensure trigger best practices are followed?

A.Create helper classes to execute the appropriate logic when a record is saved.

B. Unify the before insert and before update triggers and use Flow for the delete action.

C. Unify all three triggers in a single trigger on the Expense__c object that includes all events.

D. Maintain all three triggers on the Expense__c object, but move the Apex logic out of the trigger definition.

Correct Answer: A, D

Q5. A developer is designing a new application on the Salesforce platform and wants to ensure it can support multiple tenants effectively. Which design framework should the developer consider to ensure scalability and maintainability?

A.Waterfall Model

B. Flux (view, action, dispatcher, and store)

C. Model-View-Controller (MVC)

D. Agile Development

Answer: C

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