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HPE6-A85 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Aruba Certified Campus Access Associate Exam
Exam Code: HPE6-A85
Related Certification(s): HP Aruba Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of HPE6-A85 practice questions in our database: 102 (updated: Jan. 22, 2025)
Expected HPE6-A85 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Network Stack: It covers OSI Model layers, architectural elements, and TCP/IP stack.
  • Module 2: Connectivity: This topic focuses on foundational networking architectures and technologies and network infrastructure deployment.
  • Module 3: Network Resiliency and virtualization: It addresses the concepts of resiliency, redundancy, and fault tolerance. Furthermore, the topic focuses on managing an infrastructure device (AP, gateway, switch).
  • Module 4: Switching: It discusses the basics of Layer 2/3 technologies, campus architecture and elements based on a given template.
  • Module 5: WLAN: This topic is all about fundamental RF attributes, wireless functions, and AP GUI configuration group.
  • Module 6: Routing: It discusses basic routing topologies, functions, and basic routing topologies.
  • Module 7: Security: The topic of security covers fundamental security standards and concepts, and wireless SSID.
  • Module 8: Authentication/Authorization: It focuses on AAA concepts.
  • Module 9: Management and Monitoring: It covers common tools used for network monitoring, UXI test results, and network health.
  • Module 10: Troubleshooting: The topic of troubleshooting defines basic troubleshooting methodologies.
  • Module 11: Performance Optimization: The topic is related to performance optimization and describes QoS.


Exam Name: Aruba Certified Campus Access Associate Exam
Exam Code: HPE6-A85
Related Certification(s): HP Aruba Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of HPE6-A85 practice questions in our database: 102 (updated: Jan. 22, 2025)
Expected HPE6-A85 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Network Stack: It covers OSI Model layers, architectural elements, and TCP/IP stack.
  • Module 2: Connectivity: This topic focuses on foundational networking architectures and technologies and network infrastructure deployment.
  • Module 3: Network Resiliency and virtualization: It addresses the concepts of resiliency, redundancy, and fault tolerance. Furthermore, the topic focuses on managing an infrastructure device (AP, gateway, switch).
  • Module 4: Switching: It discusses the basics of Layer 2/3 technologies, campus architecture and elements based on a given template.
  • Module 5: WLAN: This topic is all about fundamental RF attributes, wireless functions, and AP GUI configuration group.
  • Module 6: Routing: It discusses basic routing topologies, functions, and basic routing topologies.
  • Module 7: Security: The topic of security covers fundamental security standards and concepts, and wireless SSID.
  • Module 8: Authentication/Authorization: It focuses on AAA concepts.
  • Module 9: Management and Monitoring: It covers common tools used for network monitoring, UXI test results, and network health.
  • Module 10: Troubleshooting: The topic of troubleshooting defines basic troubleshooting methodologies.
  • Module 11: Performance Optimization: The topic is related to performance optimization and describes QoS.


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Q1. You are working with a pair of 6300M switches in a VSF stack. The switch has 48 SmartRate 5G ports, 2 SFP28 ports, and 2 SFP56 ports. Both SFP56 ports are used for stacking. You need to provide an LACP connection to another identical stack with the maximum available bandwidth possible. What should you configure?

A.a 16-member LAG using 2 SFP28 ports and 6 SR5 ports on each switch

B. an eight-member LAG using 4 SR5 ports on each switch

C. an eight-member LAG using 2 SFP28 ports and 2 SR5 ports on each switch

D. a four-member LAG using 2 SFP28 ports on each switch

Correct Answer: A

Q2. How does a single Aruba CX 6300M switch configuration use L3 connectivity to establish routing traffic between switch virtual interfaces 120 and 130?

A.Routing is enabled by default with Aruba 6300M.

B. Route leaking must be configured in default VRF.

C. Delete 'no routing' from the SVI interfaces.

D. Create static routes between SVI 120 and 130.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. The customer requires two Aruba CX 6200F 48G switches to be connected to each other with a distance of 80m/252ft between wiring closets. Switches need to have reservation for VSF expansion with ring topology in each cabinet. What is a valid configuration for a redundant link-aggregation port configuration?

A.Ports 1/1/49 and 1/1/50 with SFP28 for LAG

B. Ports 1/1/47 and 1/1/48 for LAG

C. Ports 1/1/1 and 1/1/2 for LAG

D. Ports 1/1/51 and 1/1/52 with SFP+ for LAG

Correct Answer: D

Q4. What is used by network devices to send error and operational information related to IP communications?

A.Frame Check Sequence (FCS)

B. User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

C. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

D. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

Correct Answer: D

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