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HPE6-A75 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Aruba Certified Edge Professional Exam
Exam Code: HPE6-A75
Related Certification(s): HP Aruba Certified Edge Professional ACEP Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Number of HPE6-A75 practice questions in our database: 
Expected HPE6-A75 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Given a scenario, evaluate the customer requirements to identify gaps per a gap analysis/ Given a customer scenario, design and document the logical and physical network solutions
  • Module 2: Given an outline of a customer’s needs, determine the information required to create a solution/ Enable multicast DNS features to support discovery across VLAN boundaries
  • Module 3: Given a customer scenario, explain how a specific technology or solution would meet the customer requirements/ Explain Remote Access architectures and how to integrate the architectures
  • Module 4: Given a scenario, select the appropriate products based on the customer technical requirements/ Differentiate between redundancy methods, and describe the benefits of L2 and L3 clustering
  • Module 5: Given a scenario, predict the outcome based on the changes to the security configuration/ Integrate components of the Aruba Mobile First Architecture
  • Module 6: Configure and deploy redundant controller solutions based upon a given design/ Given the customer requirements, design the high-level architecture
  • Module 7: Given a scenario with an identified security issue, determine the remediation actions/ Given a scenario, translate the business needs of the environment into technical customer requirements
  • Module 8: Configure and validate Aruba WLAN secure employee and guest solutions/ Given the customer requirements, determine the component details and document the high-level design
  • Module 9: Use AirWave to monitor an Aruba Mobility Master and Mobility Controller/ Explain ArubaOS-Switch security features and configuration concepts
  • Module 10: Explain mobility integration features and configuration concepts/ Given a customer scenario, choose the appropriate components that should be included on the BOM


Exam Name: Aruba Certified Edge Professional Exam
Exam Code: HPE6-A75
Related Certification(s): HP Aruba Certified Edge Professional ACEP Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Number of HPE6-A75 practice questions in our database: 
Expected HPE6-A75 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Given a scenario, evaluate the customer requirements to identify gaps per a gap analysis/ Given a customer scenario, design and document the logical and physical network solutions
  • Module 2: Given an outline of a customer’s needs, determine the information required to create a solution/ Enable multicast DNS features to support discovery across VLAN boundaries
  • Module 3: Given a customer scenario, explain how a specific technology or solution would meet the customer requirements/ Explain Remote Access architectures and how to integrate the architectures
  • Module 4: Given a scenario, select the appropriate products based on the customer technical requirements/ Differentiate between redundancy methods, and describe the benefits of L2 and L3 clustering
  • Module 5: Given a scenario, predict the outcome based on the changes to the security configuration/ Integrate components of the Aruba Mobile First Architecture
  • Module 6: Configure and deploy redundant controller solutions based upon a given design/ Given the customer requirements, design the high-level architecture
  • Module 7: Given a scenario with an identified security issue, determine the remediation actions/ Given a scenario, translate the business needs of the environment into technical customer requirements
  • Module 8: Configure and validate Aruba WLAN secure employee and guest solutions/ Given the customer requirements, determine the component details and document the high-level design
  • Module 9: Use AirWave to monitor an Aruba Mobility Master and Mobility Controller/ Explain ArubaOS-Switch security features and configuration concepts
  • Module 10: Explain mobility integration features and configuration concepts/ Given a customer scenario, choose the appropriate components that should be included on the BOM


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