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HP2-I14 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Selling HP Supplies 2020
Exam Code: HP2-I14
Related Certification(s): HP Sales Certified Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Number of HP2-I14 practice questions in our database: 


Exam Name: Selling HP Supplies 2020
Exam Code: HP2-I14
Related Certification(s): HP Sales Certified Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Number of HP2-I14 practice questions in our database: 


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Q1. A medical records firm stores patient Information In file drawers for many years to comply with government regulations. They need to know that the documents will still be legible when retrieved in the future. What should you tell this customer to instill confidence in the longevity of documents printed with Original HP ink? (Select two.)

A.Permanence of documents printed with Original HP ink on HP archival paper has been tested over centuries to ensure legibility. These documents have been shown to be readable after having been stored in low-light conditions for up to 500 years.

B. Formulas for Original HP ink and the designs of Original HP ink cartridges are the results of years of research and testing using certified sustainable methods. Every prototype was developed with the planet in mind.

C. Documents printed with Original HP ink on HP Advanced or Premium Plus photo papers have been proven to meet guidelines for archival preservation, which means that their permanence is guaranteed for 50* years.

D. Original HP ink is formulated with centuries of combined experience from scientists and engineers. Each new Original HP ink cartridge takes up to five years of development and is the result of more than 1,000 prototypes.

Correct Answer: D

Q2. A customer has purchased an HP Color LaserJet Enterprise printer and wants to ensure its investment over the long term. Why should this customer buy only Original HP cartridges?

A.Non-HP cartridges (ail prematurely 70% of the time.

B. Use of non-HP color ink cartridges voids the warranty of HP Color LaserJet Enterprise printers.

C. Service technicians are likely to make three times more service calls when non-HP cartridges are used in HP Color LaserJet Enterprise printers.

D. Low-quality non-HP cartridges require user intervention, which can lead to printer damage caused by inexperienced users.

Correct Answer: D

Q3. How do Original HP PageWlde cartridges eliminate the problem of halt-printed pages?

A.Advanced technology intelligently predicts future print Jobs by averaging information from all previous print Jobs.

B. Proprietary sensors in the printhead detect air flow at the end of each page, triggering a message to install a new cartridge and continue printing.

C. Ink sensor technology manages efficient toner use and cartridge performance to maximize pigment life.

D. Sophisticated algorithms determine remaining ink quantity and send jobs to another printer with more ink.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. A customer with a limited budget is considering buying non-HP toner cartridges to save money. What can you tell this customer about how Original HP supplies can reduce total cost of ownership (TCO)?

A.Familiar and intuitive ordering and replacement procedures minimize maintenance time for lower TCO.

B. Because Original HP cartridges are made with recycled plastics, empty cartridges can be returned to HP at no charge.

C. Original HP supplies meet eco-label criteria, lowering TCO.

D. Possible printer damage caused by a non-HP cartridge is an expense that contributes to greater TCO.

Correct Answer: B

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