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Adobe AD0-E327 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner – Certified Expert
Exam Code: AD0-E327
Related Certification(s): Adobe Campaign Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E327 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 16, 2025)
Expected AD0-E327 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Given a scenario, determine the correct campaign template/ Determine the different sources of data that a workflow can access
  • Module 2: Identify the correct method to export data/ Given a scenario, select and set up the appropriate proof audience for approvals
  • Module 3: Explain how to configure web apps and web forms/ Given business requirements, grant the right authorizations and accesses
  • Module 4: Explain the impact of logs cleanup/purge to reporting/ Given a set of campaign requirements, determine the correct design of a marketing workflow
  • Module 5: Given a business requirement, identify the appropriate input form/ Evaluate a given set of campaign requirements and recommend the course of action
  • Module 6: Given a scenario, determine the data investigation method to use/ Given a scenario, determine the appropriate report(s) to generate
  • Module 7: Explain the core concepts of relational databases/ Apply recommended practices in executing workflows
  • Module 8: Apply the steps to enable SFTP via the control panel/ Given a scenario, explain the impact of logs purge to reports
  • Module 9: Apply the steps to create/configure deliveries/ Apply the steps to configure a predefined filter
  • Module 10: Given a scenario, analyze workflow errors/ Analyze and interpret delivery audits


Exam Name: Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner – Certified Expert
Exam Code: AD0-E327
Related Certification(s): Adobe Campaign Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E327 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 16, 2025)
Expected AD0-E327 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Given a scenario, determine the correct campaign template/ Determine the different sources of data that a workflow can access
  • Module 2: Identify the correct method to export data/ Given a scenario, select and set up the appropriate proof audience for approvals
  • Module 3: Explain how to configure web apps and web forms/ Given business requirements, grant the right authorizations and accesses
  • Module 4: Explain the impact of logs cleanup/purge to reporting/ Given a set of campaign requirements, determine the correct design of a marketing workflow
  • Module 5: Given a business requirement, identify the appropriate input form/ Evaluate a given set of campaign requirements and recommend the course of action
  • Module 6: Given a scenario, determine the data investigation method to use/ Given a scenario, determine the appropriate report(s) to generate
  • Module 7: Explain the core concepts of relational databases/ Apply recommended practices in executing workflows
  • Module 8: Apply the steps to enable SFTP via the control panel/ Given a scenario, explain the impact of logs purge to reports
  • Module 9: Apply the steps to create/configure deliveries/ Apply the steps to configure a predefined filter
  • Module 10: Given a scenario, analyze workflow errors/ Analyze and interpret delivery audits


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Q1. In the Tracking Indicators report, which metric identifies how many of the targeted recipients opened a delivery?

A.Sum of opens for the population reached

B. Distinct opens for the population reached

C. Distinct clicks for the population reached

D. Recipient clicks for the population reached

Correct Answer: B

Q2. One of the IP ranges listed on the IP allowing list in the Adobe Campaign Control Panel is shown as "Expired" and will be automatically deleted after 7 days. Which option is the business practitioner allowed to perform within this 7-day period?

A.Edit the duration of the expired IP range.

B. Create another IP range that overlaps the expired range.

C. Change the IP status to 'Active' in the server configuration file.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. The data analytics team confirms that a CSV file of high-intent customers has been extracted from the Enterprise Data Warehouse and placed on the Adobe SFTP server ready for use in a trial campaign. The workflow consists of a file collector, data loading activity, and an enrichment to reconcile customers using recipient IDs. A business practitioner runs the workflow and an error occurs during the enrichment activity. What could be causing the error?

A.The sequence of activities is incorrect and requires attention

B. The Data loading activity has not been configured to format the recipient ID field in the file

C. The Data loading activity has not been configured with a representative sample file

D. The Recipient IDs in the file do not exist in the target schema

Correct Answer: B

Q4. An Adobe business practitioner needs to export a report on user activities with various reporting tools within Adobe Campaign. The business practitioner would like to know how many times each report has been generated and how many unique users used it. What is the best practice to accomplish this task?

A.Use Audit features available under Administratlon\Audit folder

B. Use logins.log file in the nlserver syslogd module

C. Use Delivery summary report available in Adobe Creative Cloud

Correct Answer: A

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