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Adobe AD0-E208 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Analytics Business Practitioner Expert
Exam Code: AD0-E208
Related Certification(s): Adobe Analytics Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of AD0-E208 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 13, 2025)
Expected AD0-E208 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Analyze report data to summarize and draw conclusions/ Apply the process to configure Classification Importer and Rule Builder
  • Module 2: Compare fallout and flow visualization and appropriate variable types for reporting/ Apply the process to share segments with others in the organization
  • Module 3: Apply the process to schedule Projects and Data Warehouse/ Analyze data to answer business questions and recommend new optimization hypotheses
  • Module 4: Consider the advantages of using a reporting tool based on a given scenario/ Interpret Solution Design Reference (SDR) to determine what data is available in reports
  • Module 5: Analyze reports and identify data quality issues/ Apply the process to configure a virtual report suite based upon an existing segment
  • Module 6: Apply the process to create, configure, and use mobile scorecards/ Apply the process to generate calculated and/or segmented metrics
  • Module 7: Given a scenario, determine the appropriate item to use/ Determine how to bring data in and out of Adobe Analytics
  • Module 8: General Tool Knowledge and Troubleshooting/ Apply the process to configure the Marketing Channel reports with Marketing Channel processing rules
  • Module 9: Investigate outliers and anomalies in reports/ Define different types of dimensions and parameters existing in Adobe Analytics
  • Module 10: Determine how to develop and configure segments/ Apply the process to create a visualization/ Apply segments to Projects and Components


Exam Name: Adobe Analytics Business Practitioner Expert
Exam Code: AD0-E208
Related Certification(s): Adobe Analytics Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of AD0-E208 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 13, 2025)
Expected AD0-E208 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Analyze report data to summarize and draw conclusions/ Apply the process to configure Classification Importer and Rule Builder
  • Module 2: Compare fallout and flow visualization and appropriate variable types for reporting/ Apply the process to share segments with others in the organization
  • Module 3: Apply the process to schedule Projects and Data Warehouse/ Analyze data to answer business questions and recommend new optimization hypotheses
  • Module 4: Consider the advantages of using a reporting tool based on a given scenario/ Interpret Solution Design Reference (SDR) to determine what data is available in reports
  • Module 5: Analyze reports and identify data quality issues/ Apply the process to configure a virtual report suite based upon an existing segment
  • Module 6: Apply the process to create, configure, and use mobile scorecards/ Apply the process to generate calculated and/or segmented metrics
  • Module 7: Given a scenario, determine the appropriate item to use/ Determine how to bring data in and out of Adobe Analytics
  • Module 8: General Tool Knowledge and Troubleshooting/ Apply the process to configure the Marketing Channel reports with Marketing Channel processing rules
  • Module 9: Investigate outliers and anomalies in reports/ Define different types of dimensions and parameters existing in Adobe Analytics
  • Module 10: Determine how to develop and configure segments/ Apply the process to create a visualization/ Apply segments to Projects and Components


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Q1. The Product team wants to upload product pricing data from an offline database to the Transaction ID in Adobe Analytics. Which data import tool should be used for this task?

A.Classification Importer

B. Data Sources

C. Data Connector

Correct Answer: B

Q2. An analyst has been given a list of dimensions available to conduct an analysis on their hospital's doctor site. The Solution Design Reference (SDR) contains: eventl - Start Appointment Booking - Set on: Appointment Booking Start event2 - Booking Complete - Set on: Appointment Booking Complete eVarl - Doctor Type - Set on: event2 eVar2 - Number of Available Appointments - Set on eventl propl -Appointment Pathing Given the SDR, which report can be generated?

A.Booking Completion Rate

B. Time to Book an Appointment

C. Length of Appointments

Correct Answer: A

Q3. When changing the Fallout visualization from Eventual Path to Next Hit, the analyst notices that the data reports zero Visitors across the report. Why would this occur?

A.Across all visitors, the fallout depicted never was completed as a next step conversion.

B. Across all visitors, the fallout depicted never was completed as an eventual path conversion.

C. There was no direct path from the second and third fallout touchpoints.

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Two single condition Segments are set up for creating a Virtual Report Suite. Both Segments are visit scoped and have the following rule using default Dimensions: Segment A: Marketing Channel equals 'Social Networks' Segment B: Countries equals 'United Kingdom' Which data subset of the source Report Suite will be available when using this Virtual Report Suite?

A.Visit data for visits coming from a Social Network OR from the United Kingdom

B. Visit data for visits coming from a Social Network AND from the United Kingdom

C. All Visitor data for visits coming from a Social Network AND from the United Kingdom

Correct Answer: B

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