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Microsoft MO-300 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Microsoft PowerPoint (Microsoft Office Specialist)
Exam Code: MO-300
Related Certification(s): Microsoft Office Specialist: PowerPoint Associate (Office 2019 and Office 365)
Certification Provider: Microsoft
Actual Exam Duration: 50 Minutes
Number of MO-300 practice questions in our database: 35

Expected MO-300 Exam Topics, as suggested by Microsoft:

Topic 1: Managing Presentations

  • Creating, opening, and saving presentations
  • Modifying slide masters, layouts, and themes
  • Configuring print settings and handouts
  • Protecting and inspecting presentations

Topic 2: Managing Slides

  • Inserting and deleting slides
  • Organizing slides into sections
  • Applying and modifying slide transitions
  • Managing slide navigation with hyperlinks and action buttons

Topic 3: Inserting and Formatting Text, Shapes, and Images

  • Adding and modifying text boxes and shapes
  • Applying formatting, styles, and effects
  • Inserting and modifying images
  • Applying and managing SmartArt graphics

Topic 4: Inserting Tables, Charts, and Media

  • Creating and formatting tables
  • Adding and modifying charts
  • Inserting and managing videos and audio clips
  • Adding screen recordings and animations

Topic 5: Applying Transitions and Animations

  • Configuring slide transitions with effects
  • Applying animations to objects
  • Managing animation order and timing
  • Creating motion paths and advanced animations

Topic 6: Managing Collaborations and Delivery

  • Sharing and collaborating on presentations
  • Managing comments and reviewing changes
  • Setting up slide shows for different audiences
  • Using Presenter View and slide show controls

Topic 7: Customizing Presentation Elements

  • Using and managing templates
  • Modifying slide layouts and themes
  • Implementing custom slide shows
  • Configuring slide size and orientation


Exam Name: Microsoft PowerPoint (Microsoft Office Specialist)
Exam Code: MO-300
Related Certification(s): Microsoft Office Specialist: PowerPoint Associate (Office 2019 and Office 365)
Certification Provider: Microsoft
Actual Exam Duration: 50 Minutes
Number of MO-300 practice questions in our database: 35

Expected MO-300 Exam Topics, as suggested by Microsoft:

Topic 1: Managing Presentations

  • Creating, opening, and saving presentations
  • Modifying slide masters, layouts, and themes
  • Configuring print settings and handouts
  • Protecting and inspecting presentations

Topic 2: Managing Slides

  • Inserting and deleting slides
  • Organizing slides into sections
  • Applying and modifying slide transitions
  • Managing slide navigation with hyperlinks and action buttons

Topic 3: Inserting and Formatting Text, Shapes, and Images

  • Adding and modifying text boxes and shapes
  • Applying formatting, styles, and effects
  • Inserting and modifying images
  • Applying and managing SmartArt graphics

Topic 4: Inserting Tables, Charts, and Media

  • Creating and formatting tables
  • Adding and modifying charts
  • Inserting and managing videos and audio clips
  • Adding screen recordings and animations

Topic 5: Applying Transitions and Animations

  • Configuring slide transitions with effects
  • Applying animations to objects
  • Managing animation order and timing
  • Creating motion paths and advanced animations

Topic 6: Managing Collaborations and Delivery

  • Sharing and collaborating on presentations
  • Managing comments and reviewing changes
  • Setting up slide shows for different audiences
  • Using Presenter View and slide show controls

Topic 7: Customizing Presentation Elements

  • Using and managing templates
  • Modifying slide layouts and themes
  • Implementing custom slide shows
  • Configuring slide size and orientation


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Q1. You are preparing a business presentation that will be shared with multiple stakeholders. You want to ensure that the final PowerPoint file is protected from unauthorized modifications while also allowing viewers to add comments. Which option should you select to achieve this goal?

A. Mark as Final under the Info tab

B. Encrypt with Password under the Info tab

C. Restrict Editing and allow comments only

D. Save As and select the PowerPoint Show (*.ppsx) format

Correct Answer: A

Q2. You inserted a SmartArt graphic to visually represent a workflow process in your presentation. However, you need to add an extra shape within the SmartArt structure without disrupting the existing layout. What should you do?

A.Select the SmartArt, go to the Design tab, and click Convert to Shapes

B. Select the SmartArt, go to the Design tab, and use the Add Shape option

C. Copy and paste a new shape manually next to the SmartArt

D. Insert a text box over the SmartArt and type the additional information

Correct Answer: B

Q3. You need to create a presentation where objects appear in sequence using different animations. The first object should fade in, followed by the second object sliding in from the left, and the third object should bounce in. How can you ensure the animations happen in the correct order?

A.Apply animations to all objects and use the Animation Pane to reorder them

B. Apply animations and manually reorder them by dragging objects on the slide

C. Use Slide Transition settings to control the animation sequence

D. Apply the same animation to all objects and adjust the order using the Reorder Slides option

Correct Answer: A

Q4. You are co-authoring a presentation with a team in Microsoft PowerPoint. A colleague suggests adding a comment on a slide instead of directly editing the content. How can you reply to their comment within PowerPoint?

A.Open the Review tab and click New Comment to add your response

B. Click on the comment balloon, type your reply, and press Enter

C. Use Presenter View and add a speaker note to address the comment

D. Right-click the comment balloon and select Resolve Comment

Correct Answer: B

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