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Microsoft SC-900 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals
Exam Code: SC-900
Related Certification(s): Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals Certification
Certification Provider: Microsoft
Actual Exam Duration: 45 Minutes
Number of SC-900 practice questions in our database: 198 (updated: Jan. 15, 2025)
Expected SC-900 Exam Topics, as suggested by Microsoft :

  • Module 1: Describe the concepts of security, compliance, and identity: This exam section covers topics such as describing security and compliance concepts, defining identity concepts, and exploring the concepts of ADS.
  • Module 2: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft Entra: This section of the exam covers the function and identity types of Microsoft Entra ID; authentication mechanisms of Microsoft Entra ID, and access management capabilities of Microsoft Entra ID.
  • Module 3: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft security solutions: In this section, candidates are tested for their skills in explaining the core infrastructure security services in Azure, security management capabilities of Azure, what are the capabilities of Microsoft Sentinel, and what threat protection with Microsoft Defender XDR.
  • Module 4: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft compliance solutions: In this section of the exam, candidates are tested for their knowledge of Microsoft Service Trust Portal and privacy principles, compliance management, data protection, insider risk, eDiscovery, and audit capabilities in Microsoft Purview.


Exam Name: Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals
Exam Code: SC-900
Related Certification(s): Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals Certification
Certification Provider: Microsoft
Actual Exam Duration: 45 Minutes
Number of SC-900 practice questions in our database: 198 (updated: Jan. 15, 2025)
Expected SC-900 Exam Topics, as suggested by Microsoft :

  • Module 1: Describe the concepts of security, compliance, and identity: This exam section covers topics such as describing security and compliance concepts, defining identity concepts, and exploring the concepts of ADS.
  • Module 2: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft Entra: This section of the exam covers the function and identity types of Microsoft Entra ID; authentication mechanisms of Microsoft Entra ID, and access management capabilities of Microsoft Entra ID.
  • Module 3: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft security solutions: In this section, candidates are tested for their skills in explaining the core infrastructure security services in Azure, security management capabilities of Azure, what are the capabilities of Microsoft Sentinel, and what threat protection with Microsoft Defender XDR.
  • Module 4: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft compliance solutions: In this section of the exam, candidates are tested for their knowledge of Microsoft Service Trust Portal and privacy principles, compliance management, data protection, insider risk, eDiscovery, and audit capabilities in Microsoft Purview.


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Q1. You have an Azure subscription. You need to implement approval-based time-bound role activation. What should you use?

A.Microsoft Entra ID Protection

B. Microsoft Entra Conditional access

C. Microsoft Entra Privileged Management

D. Microsoft Entra Access Reviews

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Which Microsoft Purview data classification type supports the use of regular expressions?

A.exact data match (EDM)

B. fingerprint classifier

C. sensitive information types (SlTs)

D. trainable classifier

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Which Microsoft Purview feature allows users to identify content that should be protected?

A.Sensitivity Labels

B. Insider Risks

C. Data Loss prevention

D. eDiscovery

Correct Answer: A

Q4. What can you use to ensure that all the users in a specific group must use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to sign in to Azure AD?

A.Azure Policy

B. a communication compliance policy

C. a Conditional Access policy

D. a user risk policy

Correct Answer: C

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