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HPE0-V25 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: HPE Hybrid Cloud Solutions
Exam Code: HPE0-V25
Related Certification(s):

  • HPE ATP Certifications
  • HP Hybrid Cloud V1 Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of HPE0-V25 practice questions in our database: 
Expected HPE0-V25 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Discover a customer’s technical requirements/ Describe and differentiate traditional HPE solutions and offerings
  • Module 2: Perform the physical installation process/ Identify and describe management and administration tools and when to use them
  • Module 3: Architect and design an HPE solution based on customer needs/ Describe and differentiate IT Industry technologies and their use cases
  • Module 4: Configure each solution and subsystem/ Identify and describe troubleshooting tools and their use cases
  • Module 5: Document customer intent and solution design/ Gather and analyze customer business and technical requirements
  • Module 6: Discuss the solution with the customer’s IT Staff/ Troubleshoot and repair HPE SMB solution components
  • Module 7: Review and validate a proposed design/ Describe HPE GreenLake offerings and benefits
  • Module 8: Perform Management and Monitoring tasks/ Describe investigative steps and their importance
  • Module 9: Perform changes on a customer’s existing solution and/or its subsystems/ Install, configure, and upgrade HPE SMB solutions and their components


Exam Name: HPE Hybrid Cloud Solutions
Exam Code: HPE0-V25
Related Certification(s):

  • HPE ATP Certifications
  • HP Hybrid Cloud V1 Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of HPE0-V25 practice questions in our database: 
Expected HPE0-V25 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Discover a customer’s technical requirements/ Describe and differentiate traditional HPE solutions and offerings
  • Module 2: Perform the physical installation process/ Identify and describe management and administration tools and when to use them
  • Module 3: Architect and design an HPE solution based on customer needs/ Describe and differentiate IT Industry technologies and their use cases
  • Module 4: Configure each solution and subsystem/ Identify and describe troubleshooting tools and their use cases
  • Module 5: Document customer intent and solution design/ Gather and analyze customer business and technical requirements
  • Module 6: Discuss the solution with the customer’s IT Staff/ Troubleshoot and repair HPE SMB solution components
  • Module 7: Review and validate a proposed design/ Describe HPE GreenLake offerings and benefits
  • Module 8: Perform Management and Monitoring tasks/ Describe investigative steps and their importance
  • Module 9: Perform changes on a customer’s existing solution and/or its subsystems/ Install, configure, and upgrade HPE SMB solutions and their components


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Q1. You connect to the Compute Ops Management (CoM) through the GreenLake Cloud Platform dashboard. The server you want to manage is missing. Where should the server be added so it appears in the CoM?

A.Compute Ops Management - Server Groups

B. GreenLake Cloud Platform - Onboard Devices

C. Compute Ops Management - Servers

D. GreenLake Cloud Platform - Manage Subscriptions

Correct Answer: B

Q2. Your customer wants to convert their current legacy application to a cloud-native application. The new application needs to run a web-based user interface closer to end users in the public cloud environment and keep critical data on-premises. Which deployment model should be used?

A.Cloud service on-premises

B. Hybrid Cloud

C. Public Cloud only

D. Traditional IT on-premises only

Correct Answer: B

Q3. You need to describe the benefits of HPE GreenLake to your customer. What details should you provide?

A.HPE GreenLake enables the customer to be managed by HPE, HPE Partners, and other 3rd party vendors through its open management policy.

B. HPE GreenLake allows customers to manage their accounts point-and-click automated provisioning from a mobile application.

C. HPE GreenLake provides infinite scale to the customer at no additional cost with its scale up policy.

D. HPE GreenLake can increase financial flexibility, free up capital, and provide better cost control through its Pay-per-Use policy.

Correct Answer: D

Q4. A customer needs new switches that are stackable, Layer 2, and provide PoE. Which switch should you recommend?

A.CX 6400

B. CX6100

C. CX 6200F

D. CX 6300

Correct Answer: D

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