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HPE0-V17 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Creating HPE Data Protection Solutions
Exam Code: HPE0-V17
Related Certification(s):

  • HPE Master ASE Certifications
  • HP Compute Solutions V1 Certifications
  • HP Hybrid IT Solutions Architect V1 Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of HPE0-V17 practice questions in our database: 76 (updated: 20-07-2023)
Expected HPE0-V17 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Select the appropriate backup software that meets the customer needs/ Describe the different Veeam licensing options
  • Module 2: Differentiate between StoreOnce and the competition/ Differentiate between deduplication and compression
  • Module 3: Identify the components within a Commvault solution and describe their roles/ Determine where the various components are deployed
  • Module 4: Determine appropriate internal and external encryption/ Describe the different DP licensing options
  • Module 5: Differentiate between zero copy clones, smart clones, and snapshots/ Determine the appropriate backup target
  • Module 6: Identify the components within a Veeam solution and describe their roles/ Explain how Catalyst deduplication works
  • Module 7: Identify the components within a DP solution and describe their roles/ Describe the StoreEver portfolio and options
  • Module 8: Describe the StoreOnce integration with InfoSight/ Contrast internal and external encryption
  • Module 9: Distinguish between VTL and StoreEver, being able to recommend using both or just one/ Explain encryption and how keys are managed
  • Module 10: Display an awareness of key points regarding other relevant ISVs/ Explain the use and licensing of HPE Cloud Bank Storage


Exam Name: Creating HPE Data Protection Solutions
Exam Code: HPE0-V17
Related Certification(s):

  • HPE Master ASE Certifications
  • HP Compute Solutions V1 Certifications
  • HP Hybrid IT Solutions Architect V1 Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of HPE0-V17 practice questions in our database: 76 (updated: 20-07-2023)
Expected HPE0-V17 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Select the appropriate backup software that meets the customer needs/ Describe the different Veeam licensing options
  • Module 2: Differentiate between StoreOnce and the competition/ Differentiate between deduplication and compression
  • Module 3: Identify the components within a Commvault solution and describe their roles/ Determine where the various components are deployed
  • Module 4: Determine appropriate internal and external encryption/ Describe the different DP licensing options
  • Module 5: Differentiate between zero copy clones, smart clones, and snapshots/ Determine the appropriate backup target
  • Module 6: Identify the components within a Veeam solution and describe their roles/ Explain how Catalyst deduplication works
  • Module 7: Identify the components within a DP solution and describe their roles/ Describe the StoreEver portfolio and options
  • Module 8: Describe the StoreOnce integration with InfoSight/ Contrast internal and external encryption
  • Module 9: Distinguish between VTL and StoreEver, being able to recommend using both or just one/ Explain encryption and how keys are managed
  • Module 10: Display an awareness of key points regarding other relevant ISVs/ Explain the use and licensing of HPE Cloud Bank Storage


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Q1. Is this a reason why your customer might choose the HPE Apollo 4510 systems Instead of the HPE Apollo 4200 system? Solution:The Apollo 4200 system is deployed with veeam Backup & Replication Standard Edition, while the 4510 system runs the Enterprise Edition for a more extended feature set


B. No

Correct Answer: B

Q2. Is this a reason why your customer might choose the HPE Apollo 4510 systems instead of the HPE Apollo 42O0 system? Solution: The Apollo 4510 system has a higher density chassis, and so can host more drives with more backup capacity


B. No

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Does this option describe aspects of a valid Disaster Recovery (OR) plan component? Solution: When denning corporate personnel responsibilities, you typically exclude C-level executives


B. No

Correct Answer: B

Q4. Does this option describe aspects of a valid Disaster Recovery (DR) plan component? Solution: You might start a DR plan by denning downtime and data loss targets, because this can help determine the type of solution that is best for you


B. No

Correct Answer: A

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