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HP2-I15 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Selling HP Business Personal Systems Hardware 2020
Exam Code: HP2-I15
Related Certification(s): HP Sales Certified Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Number of HP2-I15 practice questions in our database: 


Exam Name: Selling HP Business Personal Systems Hardware 2020
Exam Code: HP2-I15
Related Certification(s): HP Sales Certified Certification
Certification Provider: HP
Number of HP2-I15 practice questions in our database: 


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Q1. What is the major security concern associated with company employees working in public areas and open offices, and how does HP address it?

A.virus attacks, which can be lessened with HP Sure Run

B. visual hacking, which can be prevented with HP Sure View

C. malware attacks, which can be mitigated with HP Sure Start

D. phishing attacks, which can be alleviated with HP Sure Click

Correct Answer: B

Q2. How should you address customer concerns relative to price?

A.by focusing on key areas that show business value and highlight how the HP solutions offer best-in-class pricing for the value they deliver

B. by explaining that HP has the most secure PCs on the planet, which warrants the higher price

C. by lowering the price with very tittle margin just secure the deal

D. by telling them their competitor has just bought some and they don't want to be left behind

Correct Answer: B

Q3. How does the experience age change theworkplace as compared to the Information age? (Select three.)

A.smaller open offices

B. large open offices

C. fixed desks offices

D. more car parking for employees

E. collaboration areas

F. cubicle work environment

G. at-home workspace solutions

Correct Answer: B, E, G

Q4. As a result of HP's mission to reinvent technology, which "world's first" HP inventions help businesses modernize their working environment? (Select three.)

A.world's longest battery life in an AMD-based mainstream business notebook

B. world's first bezel-less screen

C. highest screen-to-body ratio in a business convertible

D. world's longest battery life in a 14' business convertible

E. world's first facial scanner

F. world's first fingerprint reader

G. world's first detachable digital pen

Correct Answer: A, D, F

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