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CompTIA FC0-U61 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ Certification Exam
Exam Code: FC0-U61
Related Certification(s): CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ Certification
Certification Provider: CompTIA
Number of FC0-U61 practice questions in our database: 358 (updated: Jan. 14, 2025)
Expected FC0-U61 Exam Topics, as suggested by CompTIA :

  • Module 1: IT Concepts and Terminology: It discusses notational systems, fundamental data types, basics of computing and processing, and the value of data and information. Lastly, it discusses common units of measure, and the troubleshooting methodology.
  • Module 2: Infrastructure: Input/output device interfaces, common peripheral devices, common internal computing components, and common Internet service types are discussed. It also focuses on storage types, computing devices, networking concepts, and basic wireless network.
  • Module 3: Applications and Software: Questions about operating systems, components of an operating system, usage of software, architecture and delivery models may appear. Web browsers and general application concepts and uses are also discussed in the topic.
  • Module 4: Software Development Concepts: Programming language, programming organizational techniques, interpret logic, programming concepts are sub-sections of this topic.
  • Module 5: Database Fundamentals: This topic deals with concepts of a database, database structures, and methods used to interface with databases are discussed in this topic.
  • Module 6: Security: The topic of Security has sub-topics which deal with confidentiality, integrity and availability concerns, secure devices and best practices, and behavioral security concepts. Lastly, the topic covers authentication, authorization, accounting and non-repudiation concepts, best practices of password, encryption uses, and business continuity concepts.


Exam Name: CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ Certification Exam
Exam Code: FC0-U61
Related Certification(s): CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ Certification
Certification Provider: CompTIA
Number of FC0-U61 practice questions in our database: 358 (updated: Jan. 14, 2025)
Expected FC0-U61 Exam Topics, as suggested by CompTIA :

  • Module 1: IT Concepts and Terminology: It discusses notational systems, fundamental data types, basics of computing and processing, and the value of data and information. Lastly, it discusses common units of measure, and the troubleshooting methodology.
  • Module 2: Infrastructure: Input/output device interfaces, common peripheral devices, common internal computing components, and common Internet service types are discussed. It also focuses on storage types, computing devices, networking concepts, and basic wireless network.
  • Module 3: Applications and Software: Questions about operating systems, components of an operating system, usage of software, architecture and delivery models may appear. Web browsers and general application concepts and uses are also discussed in the topic.
  • Module 4: Software Development Concepts: Programming language, programming organizational techniques, interpret logic, programming concepts are sub-sections of this topic.
  • Module 5: Database Fundamentals: This topic deals with concepts of a database, database structures, and methods used to interface with databases are discussed in this topic.
  • Module 6: Security: The topic of Security has sub-topics which deal with confidentiality, integrity and availability concerns, secure devices and best practices, and behavioral security concepts. Lastly, the topic covers authentication, authorization, accounting and non-repudiation concepts, best practices of password, encryption uses, and business continuity concepts.


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Q1. On which of the following distinct numbers of digits is the hexadecimal numbering system based?


B. 8

C. 10

D. 16

Correct Answer: D

Q2. A user opens an application that is installed locally on a PC. The application connects directly to a database that is located on a server in a data closet in the same building. Which of the following application architecture models does this describe?

A.One tier

B. Two tier

C. Three tier

D. Four tier

Correct Answer: B

Q3. Which of the following contains reusable code?


B. Variable

C. Function

D. Array

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Which of the following is the least expensive way for users at a large company to load a 2GB spreadsheet quickly?

A.Buy faster networking switches.

B. Upgrade the operating system and applications.

C. Move the file to a shared database.

D. Add more RAM to each workstation.

Correct Answer: D

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