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Microsoft DP-900 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals
Exam Code: DP-900
Related Certification(s): Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Certification
Certification Provider: Microsoft
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of DP-900 practice questions in our database: 306 (updated: Jan. 13, 2025)
Expected DP-900 Exam Topics, as suggested by Microsoft :

  • Module 1: Describe core data concepts: In this topic, aspiring Microsoft data engineers explore fundamental ways to represent data, such as structured, semi-structured, and unstructured formats. Additionally, the topic explains various data storage options, emphasizing file, database, and object storage. It also details common data workloads, including transactional, analytical, and streaming workloads. Lastly, the roles and responsibilities for managing data workloads, such as administrators, engineers, and analysts, are clarified.
  • Module 2: Identify considerations for relational data on Azure: This topic provides aspiring Microsoft data engineers with a clear understanding of relational data concepts, including schemas, tables, keys, and normalization. It further explores relational Azure data services such as Azure SQL Database and Azure Database for MySQL, highlighting their use cases and capabilities.
  • Module 3: Describe considerations for working with non-relational data on Azure: Aspiring Microsoft data engineers gain insight into Azure’s non-relational data capabilities in this topic. It discusses Azure Storage options, including Blob, Table, and Queue Storage, suitable for diverse scenarios. Additionally, the features and strengths of Azure Cosmos DB, such as global distribution and multi-model support, are outlined.
  • Module 4: Describe an analytics workload: This topic introduces aspiring Microsoft data engineers to the components of large-scale analytics, such as data ingestion, transformation, and querying. It also discusses real-time data analytics considerations, including low-latency processing with Azure Stream Analytics. Finally, data visualization with Microsoft Power BI, focusing on interactive dashboards and reports, is covered.


Exam Name: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals
Exam Code: DP-900
Related Certification(s): Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Certification
Certification Provider: Microsoft
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of DP-900 practice questions in our database: 306 (updated: Jan. 13, 2025)
Expected DP-900 Exam Topics, as suggested by Microsoft :

  • Module 1: Describe core data concepts: In this topic, aspiring Microsoft data engineers explore fundamental ways to represent data, such as structured, semi-structured, and unstructured formats. Additionally, the topic explains various data storage options, emphasizing file, database, and object storage. It also details common data workloads, including transactional, analytical, and streaming workloads. Lastly, the roles and responsibilities for managing data workloads, such as administrators, engineers, and analysts, are clarified.
  • Module 2: Identify considerations for relational data on Azure: This topic provides aspiring Microsoft data engineers with a clear understanding of relational data concepts, including schemas, tables, keys, and normalization. It further explores relational Azure data services such as Azure SQL Database and Azure Database for MySQL, highlighting their use cases and capabilities.
  • Module 3: Describe considerations for working with non-relational data on Azure: Aspiring Microsoft data engineers gain insight into Azure’s non-relational data capabilities in this topic. It discusses Azure Storage options, including Blob, Table, and Queue Storage, suitable for diverse scenarios. Additionally, the features and strengths of Azure Cosmos DB, such as global distribution and multi-model support, are outlined.
  • Module 4: Describe an analytics workload: This topic introduces aspiring Microsoft data engineers to the components of large-scale analytics, such as data ingestion, transformation, and querying. It also discusses real-time data analytics considerations, including low-latency processing with Azure Stream Analytics. Finally, data visualization with Microsoft Power BI, focusing on interactive dashboards and reports, is covered.


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Q1. Blob rehydration occurs in Azure Blob storage when a blob moves between which access tiers?

A.Archive to Cool

B. Hot to Cool

C. Cool to Archive

D. Hot to Archive

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Which Azure Cosmos DB API should you use for a graph database?

A.Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Gremlin

B. Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL

C. Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra

D. Azure Cosmos DB for Table

Correct Answer: A

Q3. What is required to provision Azure Data Lake Storage in an Azure Storage account?

A.Versioning must be enabled.

B. Hierarchical namespace must be enabled.

C. Hierarchical namespace must be disabled.

D. Versioning must be disabled.

Correct Answer: B

Q4. What is the responsibility of a database administrator?

A.applying data cleaning routines

B. creating data visualizations

C. managing data integration processes

D. storing backup copies of data

Correct Answer: C

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